
文章来源: - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!
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fonsony 发表评论于
big-guy 发表评论于
keishu 发表评论于
秋水山房 发表评论于
全球人都知道马来西亚政府在撒谎,从头到尾,都在撒谎; 美国在某种利益驱使下,闭口不言; 都是无耻下流的政客!
SquarePants 发表评论于
all the US news on TV keeps talking about wild guess but ignoring one fact: this plane flew over Malaysian air space TWICE & Malaysian government did not where it was heading???!!! They misled Vietnamese, Chinese, Thailander, Indian to South China sea and held world attention to that area for more than a week!!!!
GG2006 发表评论于
haha, unless someone want to make it disappear...