马方对失联家属透露“不便公开信息” 拒绝媒体

文章来源: - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!
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super_2014 发表评论于
If this is hijacking, then who ? The pilots? The pilot has a good jobs, high income, and three kids and a good family, while did he run the risk of not be able to see his family forever ? The assistant pilot is to get married, and his parents are high level officials in the government, then why he wants to hijack the plane. Hijacking by the pilots is un reasonable. High jacking by the passengers ? With tight security check, there is no chance for the passenger(s) to bring any weapons on board, how can the passenger hijack the plane without weapons to control the 230+ passengers ? So, the plane was not hijacked
It was said the plane was preprogramed 12 minutes before the last communication with the ground controller. Well, if the pilots changed the flying path, then why not just turn the plane around right after the path was changed, instead waiting for additional 12 minutes after talking to the ground controller and report the status of the plane ? From the conversation, it seemed that the pilots did not even know the flying path was changed.
The , who changed the flying path ? Can the flying path be changed wirelessly by the satellites and even the pilot did not know at all? as we know your computer system can be changed remotely without you knowing it, the plane was controlled by the computer, if the computer's data base can be changed remotely, why the control system of the plane which is to control the plane can not be changed wirelessly and change the program of the flying path ? If that is the case, I would say the plane was hijacked by the satellite.

Why the Malaysia government released the information which contradicted with itself ? I do not believe the Malaysia government is so retarded , and it looks like the Malaysia government is under a lot of pressure to prevent them to tell the truth.
以为了了 发表评论于
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azcactus 发表评论于
丧乱 发表评论于
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aywl 发表评论于
passby57 发表评论于
rooster 发表评论于
rooster 发表评论于
应该是賠偿的问題。現在是没有劫机者的(不是说飞机当初沒有被劫持 ),如果有的话,无论提出金钱或政治诉求,马国都会即时公布出来,既可以转移压力亦可以站在道德高地上,要知道扣住这二百多人是和全世界作对。再说如有劫机者,负责这二百多人這两个多星期的吃喝拉睡,还要24小時派人看着而不提诉求,肯定说不通。
anniehcj 发表评论于
ZT 马航370航班失联十多天了,每天上午是造谣时间,下午是辟谣时间,晚上是竞猜时间…… 这些天来,我们复习了地理,认识了东南亚,科普了飞机零件,重温了很多空难,了解了非法移民的途径,目睹了飞行员的生活,见识了马来西亚著名椰子巫师起坛,观摩了各国海陆空军事力量。我们学会了这么多知识,可就是找不着飞机……
hudiemi 发表评论于
hudiemi 发表评论于
NotALawyer2 发表评论于
History Channel 拍摄的乌拉圭1972 飞机坠毁 最后16人在72天找到救援的故事很震骇,INSPIRING;比电影好看。看了俩遍。结合新闻资料和2005几个登山;运动员沿着2个幸存者走了10天最后找到救援的山路重新走了一遍

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