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星岛日报记者陈之罡华盛顿报道/维珍尼亚大学两名中国留学生因涉嫌绑架被捕,案件在该校中国学生中引起震动。据与涉案人熟识的中国学生形容,两人性格开朗,为人友善,而且家庭条件良好,两人究竟因何原因闯下大祸,让人不得其解。目前就读南部名校维珍尼亚大学工程学专业的二年级学生吕冠宇和舒百川,於21 日也即感恩节早晨在华盛顿郊区的维珍尼亚州斐尔法克斯县被捕。两人当时在一家汽车旅馆,被绑架的人质则被以胶带封口关在浴缸内。

警方公布的案情显示,人质在20日晚接到一个朋友的电话,要求帮助修理汽车,随后,人质驱车至泰森斯角(Tysons Corner)地区,在遭头戴面罩的两名嫌疑人绑架,并被放入汽车后厢带到旅馆。之后,人质致电他居住的人家,要求支付50万美元赎金。


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涉嫌绑架的舒百川(左)与吕冠宇(右)。(来源:Daily Progress)






Two U.Va. students charged with abducting a man

Classmates: Two abduction suspects left school quickly


  Media General News Service

  CHARLOTTESVILLE -- Guan Yu Lu and Bai Chuan Shu left town together in a hurry last week, according to fellow University of Virginia students.

  "Guan didn't even pack his clothes," a classmate recalled yesterday.

  The two second-year engineering students were arrested Nov. 21 at a Falls Church hotel and charged with abducting a 20-year-old Chinese man found bound and gagged in a hotel bathroom, according to Fairfax County police. They have been in jail since.

  News of the arrests and the alleged kidnapping shocked friends and classmates of the two men, including two engineering students who said they've known Lu and Shu since the two arrived at school from China. They are in the United States on student visas.

  The classmates, who spoke on condition of anonymity, described Lu and Shu as normal 19-year-old college students who earned good grades.

  U.Va. officials are taking the charges seriously, according to school spokeswoman Carol Wood. "We . . . have already taken the appropriate internal steps to address this current situation," she wrote in an e-mail yesterday.

  The victim's ordeal began Nov. 20 after someone called him and asked for help with car trouble, said Don Gotthardt, a spokesman for the Fairfax County Police Department.

  Assailants abducted the man near the Tysons Corner mall when he went to help, Gotthardt said. "They were masked and there was a knife and at least an implication of a gun."

  The next day, a McLean resident reported that a friend who lived with him had been abducted, according to court documents.

  "The complainant received several telephone calls on Nov. 20 from an unidentified Asian male asking for $500,000 or the victim would be killed," a Fairfax County detective wrote in a search warrant affidavit.

  The caller, who spoke Chinese and was using the victim's cell phone, said he would blow up the man's house if he contacted police, according to the document. Police traced the calls to the Stratford Motor Lodge. Later that day, investigators spotted two Asian men entering room 27 and determined they'd registered at the hotel using a Charlottesville address.

  "This same address is the address of a known associate of the victim," a detective wrote in the search warrant affidavit.

  Authorities arrested Shu and Lu after finding the missing man in the bathtub bound and gagged, according to the search warrant.

  Authorities seized more than 60 items from the room and from the car Lu and Shu were driving, including ski masks, guns and a knife.

  Tysons Corner mall surveillance footage also shows two Asian men purchasing $1,290.44 worth of clothes Nov. 21 using the victim's credit card.

  After his rescue, the victim was treated for mild dehydration at a Northern Virginia hospital and was released. Police did not identify him other than to say he is a student.

  On Monday, a judge denied bond for Shu and Lu, who are scheduled to appear in court for a preliminary hearing on Jan. 9.

  Rob Seal is a staff writer at The Daily Progress in Charlottesville.