盈袖2006 (热门博主)
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早春 (多图)

(2010-02-24 22:23:57) 下一个











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盈袖2006 回复 悄悄话 回复陈默的评论:
是嘛? 看来我们有更多相同的爱好,有待挖掘,你不觉得已经有很多了吗,竟还不是全部。认识你真的很好。

盈袖2006 回复 悄悄话 回复纵然平行的评论:
my dear friend: it's so nice to you here again, which means the intelligent guy still invisit my garden sometimes. I totally understand your frustration - though I don't experience it physically I do encounter this in my heart quite often.

I believe you already knew it was not a place to judge, and you are RIGHT:) I establish this garden and work hard in it intending to share, nourish, support and love each other here.

I believe women at my age all know what to offer. Unfortunately lots of men are so scared and would rather simply walk away and be with themselves, which is much more safe and in control. Staying in control, isn't what all men want,rather than experience with women?

Well, my torturing hobby will stay in developing during the wonderful season that is coming. Just wait, and visit......
盈袖2006 回复 悄悄话 回复石库门的评论:
陈默 回复 悄悄话 谢谢盈袖给我们带来春的气息。

“沉重的心因为对生活里美的体会而渐渐明快起来” - 是这样。成熟坚定的心会让我们更平静地享受生活的美好。祝福。

纵然平行 回复 悄悄话 Since when torturing us has become your new hobby? Your spring-ready pictures and thedescriptions of gourmet food, wine, tea and tender camaraderie are killing me.:) In the city where I live, winter is seemingly endless. Three times on the roll in this February alone we are hammered by severe snowstorms. As the matter of fact, since yesterday, the city has been buried in heavy snow, to make the matter worse, air traffic in three major airports of the region are disrupted completely, roads have become treacherous, even the trading, the bloody sport we love on the street, is reduced significantly, in other words, we are paralyzed (locked down) by this simple white stuff. :(
I feel safe to complain here for not being labeled, so I am assuming you wouldn't be critical to my enviousness and grumbling comment.

Changing subject, you maybe don't know, in many mens' eyes nowadays, mature women have much more to offer than those in her early 20th. At least no more silly questions are being asked. :)
石库门 回复 悄悄话 小紫花生气勃勃,很精神。#3很有一种伸展感,像是树枝在做瑜伽,尽力地伸向蓝天。
