


(2024-04-08 08:35:48) 下一个


  1. (1)稳定的家庭;
  2. (2)双收入;
  3. (3)尽早开始如下简单省事的自律定投策略即可:
    • (a) 大盘选S&P500或Total market
    • (b) 开始工作就放满401K定投大盘
    • (c) 存满6个月或12个月的紧急备用金
    • (d) 结余的钱也定投大盘
  4. (4)二三十年后会有意想不到的效果。

我自己在(a), (b), (d)上走了不少弯路。其中(a)选基金太多整合不容易,税后账户涉及交税问题,(b)晚了5年,(d)更是晚了13/14年且自律性不如(b)。



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MoatCity 回复 悄悄话 If you are not smart enough to beat the market, don't be stupid to lag behind the market.
MoatCity 回复 悄悄话 I have been sticking to the industry convention of keeping portion of investment in fixed income (equity = 100 - age?), and in the end, the asset accumulation has suffered quite a bit in the last 30 years. Average return has been around 2-3% lower than marker average. Remember, (1.07)^30 = 7.6, yet (1.09)^30 = 13.3, 2% difference would yield almost twice as much. Extremely painful lesson, looking forward, I don't have 30 years left, and I don't have time to recover the loss incurred due to the wrong investment strategy.
硅谷工匠 回复 悄悄话 Steady family = stable wife from a good family. Take care of the first income first, and try to become a manager at your work. Then learn to build your business and always watch out for opportunities.
老留伍哥 回复 悄悄话 回复 'MoatCity' 的评论 : 特别是对年青人或还有很多年退休的人群很适合。bond/fixed income稳定但收益低。international fund始终比不了美国的大盘。sector fund波动太大长年收益不一定比大盘好。2,30年积累后,财富比较多的即使退休也不需要调整能够扛得住市场波动。

积累晚财富不多的人群,临退休需要调整所持基金部分到bond/fixed income fund以达到平稳度过市场动荡期。
MoatCity 回复 悄悄话 100% Equity, 0% bond or fixed income, no international funds, no sector funds, just the dumb S&P or VISAX (total market).