陌上美国 Moshang USA



(2022-05-03 13:50:37) 下一个


“I do not understand why, after Stalin, Russia allowed Putin to become a dictator; nor why xxx, after xxx, allowed xxx to become one.
Both countries were invited with open arms to join the Democracies of the world – and both declined.”

Translate: “不理解为什么斯大林之后,俄罗斯让普金上台,成为新的独裁者。(大家都懂的原因,后面那句我马赛克处理,也都很容易猜到内容。)



(The answer in English was attached in the second half of the post.



























It is a large topic, let me try to share some of my views.


The authoritarian system has succeeded in several things. First, they have managed to make their top 10-20% - politician/elite/rich/powerful classes, i.e. those who have the most sources to bring a revolution or turn the system upside down, believe that the direction of the country will be more open/outward/domacractic/free and the current non-free phase is just temporary and necessary "sacrifice/endurance" to a better future. It is not urgent for these people to make change. Freedom is a privilege/specific interest in authoritarian countries, however, the culture there turns it as a motivation to make people want to climb the social economical ladder achieving individual and or specific interest group's success, rather than fight for the general public's freedom and equal rights. Of course we can always find individuals contradictory to this, however, I talk about statistics here. 


Second, the system has used nationalism/tribalism to make the bottom 20-30% believe that democracy is a western branded thing, therefore, it is like a "culture invasion". If they adopt it, it is a treason to their ancestors and traditions. They also fear that there would be a war going through the whole process - changing from the current system to a democratic system. As long as the current life is still tolerable, not enough people would be interested in taking risks. These BS and fear mongering propaganda indeed work well. 


Third, the authoritarian system is a pipeline, there is not only one dictator kind of person, but tens of millions of them. They control (or want to control) people all the time in daily life, work, school, home, sports, internet, everywhere. 


Fourth, the high pressure and propaganda machine in an authoritarian system have effectively destroyed people's independent thinking and viewpoint diversity. It makes a huge amount of people view the world either black or white. Even if all of a sudden people get the right to vote, there is a high risk they would vote for a new dictator. That's one of the reasons why regime change wars have failed in many countries. It takes time to practice and build a healthy democratic system. Democracy is still a very new culture, society and political phenomenon compared to the entire human history. If we look at evolution, a hundred years is too short compared to homo sapiens' whole evolving time. 99.999% of human history is under dictatorship. We are basically fighting hundreds of thousands of years of human history. It is similar to the case that we all know high salty foods such as pickles are not healthy, however, people still cannot resist those foods due to our long history of starving. Even the modern democratic system has not been accomplished in one day. It had budded thousands of years ago in ancient Greece and Rome, and in the recent century there were still mistakes such as the German people electing Hitler.


Last but not least, we often believe transforming from an authoritarian system to a democratic system is moving up the social/ political food chain. I personally believe so. However, it could be a process of hundreds and even thousand years in some countries. For a generation's length of time, it is more practical to treat non-free society and free society as "diversity" of political/social systems. In other words, let's stay away from their own troubles but focus on strengthening America's own freedom and democracy first. For instance, there are generally two types of species that can thrive on an island. One is birds with strong wings and muscles, the other is insects without wings or half-wing. Should we install birds' strong wings to insects? 


BTW, my understanding of the USA is not a democracy but a Republic, which is another big topic, to make it simple please refer to the attached image. 


That's my two cents.



陌上美国推特:@MoshangUsa https://twitter.com/MoshangUsa





感谢联邦制度,使我们能因地制宜,避免灾难 - 华尔街日报


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阅读 ()评论 (14)
llarry 回复 悄悄话 俄罗斯比天朝好多了,至少还有些民主斗士。天朝几乎是全民盼明君,包括到了海外的大部分华人
陌上美国 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Rosaline' 的评论 : 谢谢!他那言论确实上班五毛风太明显。
Justness 回复 悄悄话 普京凭着狗屎运爬上总统大位,为保权力永远在手绞尽脑汁,用战争屡屡得手,这次入侵乌克兰看样凶多吉少。独裁者的套路基本一脉相承,包括习近平。邪恶国家利用西方科技盘剥本国人民,野心膨胀独霸世界,这次要碰南墙。

kai2002 回复 悄悄话 说斯大林太远了,应该说叶利钦之后,民主之后,为什么会再选择普京走回头路?
老天真 回复 悄悄话 Rosaline:在你我二人之间,如果谁把上网发帖当做职业,靠这赚钱,谁就马上出车祸死全家。我问心无愧,敢发这个毒誓。请问你敢吗?
Rosaline 发表评论于 2022-05-04 11:53:12
Rosaline 回复 悄悄话 博主,“老天真”在文学城上班挣五毛,所以到处乱窜,也不容易。大家都不理它的:)
portfolio 回复 悄悄话 咸菜,如是发酵好的酸菜,是超级健康食物。

老天真 回复 悄悄话 我前面发的帖子里,叙述的都是事实。你无法反驳,只能是贴一个标签之后删帖。你说“我对美国的理解不是民主制而是共和制”,把民主制和共和制并列起来比较,我还是第一听说。照此套用,我还可以说,俄罗斯不是民主制而是联邦制。听着可笑不?
陌上美国 回复 悄悄话 回复 'ahniu' 的评论 : 不是 美国红脖子是最有自由精神的人群之一 不是职业 而是思维模式 逆向淘汰 洗脑植入这些
陌上美国 回复 悄悄话 it们真脆弱 这篇文章微信小号发出来 8分钟内 14个人看就封杀了 14个人里面就有一个蹲点的五毛贱谍
陌上美国 回复 悄悄话 对于五毛我删贴 你们拿钱发帖,配合你们生活在你们自己的那套游戏规则
ahniu 回复 悄悄话 农业思维,游牧思维都反对民主。
陌上美国 回复 悄悄话 回复 '老天真' 的评论 : 仔细一读 又是五毛 有意思麽 你这种也就是我文章里面总结的一类现象
陌上美国 回复 悄悄话 回复 '老天真' 的评论 : 我感兴趣的重点根本就不是讨论普金。而是为什么拒绝了民主 你没看文章吧