
暖冬cool夏 (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:


(2020-11-04 15:29:14) 下一个








October 26, 2020


Case #: xxxxxxxxx (case re-open)

Tracking/Pro#: xxxxxxxxxxxx (case re-open)

To Whom it May Concern:

Thanks very much to XXX, who re-opened my case today on October 26 when I made the phone call, providing the email that I can reach you.  I truly appreciate her help.

Kindly drafted below is my response to the Fedex letter dated October 9, 2020. The case number and tracking number are listed above for your attention.

Upon carefully reading Fedex letter, I completely disagree with the decision made by Fedex Cargo Claims Department, which accepts no liability of “damaged” package. I am writing to dispute the decision and request a full refund of my shipping fee and the lost package.

Here is the chain of the events I logged:

  1. 1. On 9/12, I went to a local Fedex store in XXX, CA to send a package by ground shipping to XXX, WA.  A Fedex clerk received me, inspected the package, put some extra protection paper on the top of the box, and sealed the package.  I was told that the scheduled delivery date would be 9/17, as is also indicated on the receipt. I paid $XX for the shipping fee.
  2. 2. On 9/17, the day it was scheduled to deliver, I found online that the status was pending, and it looked like that package was still in CA. So I made a call, and was told that the scheduled delivery date was postponed to that Saturday 9/19.
  3. 3. On 9/19, the online status history showed no progress of the package, i.e. after a week, it was still in CA. I called Fedex, telling them that there were fruits in the box, and asked them if there was anything they could do to help me.  I was told that someone would call me, but nobody ever did.
  4. 4. Early the following week, I saw the online scheduled delivery date postponed to 09/24, and then changed to 09/23 as the week progressed.
  5. 5. On 09/23, when I checked again online, it said the package was not delivered but shown as “delivery exception”. The package was “damaged”!  I made an instant call to Fedex, advising them to “Just deliver it”. Unhappy as I was, I was willing to take some loss, thinking that even if the fruits were damaged, the non-perishable items should be still in good shape. By asking Fedex to deliver the package, I was willing to take the loss.
  6. 6. But nobody heeded my request or took any action. In between, I made four calls, and nobody ever returned one call to me.
  7. 7. Therefore, on 9/26, I had to file a claim to request a full refund at a total $xx (including the shipping fee) for the package.
  8. 8.  On 10/17, I received a letter from Fedex, in which Fedex Cargo Claims denied my claim, stating that the “Liabilities Not Assumed”. Upon receiving the letter, I started to make phone calls to seek clarifications, but in vain.
  9. 9. On 10/19, I managed to call in. I was received by an agent named Alisa, who asked for my contact phone number and told me that the claim agent on my case would call me back. As of today 10/26, I haven’t received a single call from any Fedex employee.
  10. 10. On 10/22 and 10/23, I called calls to Fedex. Each time, I was put on hold for more than 40 minutes without being able to reach the agent.

As a frustrated customer in the delivery process, I am very disappointed with Fedex’s delivery service and customer service. Your denial of responsibility letter makes no sense at all, and it only upset me more.

It is my understanding that the moment I left the package at the care of the Fedex store and paid for the shipping fee, the business transaction was complete.  From that moment on, the package was totally out of my hands, but in the full possession of Fedex. I expected a well-established carrier like Fedex to deliver the package around the estimated delivery date. However the package was “damaged”, due to 6 days delay out of the possibility of being misplaced and mishandled (It was within CA for the first week without any move). Without the delay, the package won’t be possibly damaged. Now Fedex tried to deny any liability. I lost both the package and the shipping fee. What could justify this? If Fedex does not accept the liability, then who else should?  Do you really think a customer like me should just take the loss, along with the frustrations? As the customer, I paid Fedex for the service and the package was inspected and accepted by the Fedex employee, but was consequently declared as “damaged” without me having any clue as to what happened to the package.

Based on the above stated facts and reasoning, I have every reason to assume that Fedex take the full responsibility for the damaged and undelivered package.  Therefore, I am requesting a full refund of a total $xx for the claim, which consists of $xx estimated package value and $xx shipping fee.

I’ve attached the copy of the shipping receipt, as well as the confirmation information, which can also be found in my initial filing. If you need anything from me to help resolve this issue, I can be reached at the email: xxx.com, or cell phone number xxx-xx-xxxx. Being a loyal Fedex customer, I am looking forward to the settlement. Your attention and help would be greatly appreciated.


Sincerely yours,




claimstatus@mail.fedex.com , claim.status@mail.fedex.com 

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阅读 ()评论 (19)
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '南山松' 的评论 : 是的,松松,其实是死马当活马医的,就当是练英文。谢谢松松的肯定,再祝松松心情好,身体安康!
南山松 回复 悄悄话 暖暖的申请理赔信件写得真是专业,Fedex最后理赔也不错。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '明秋' 的评论 : 谢谢明秋喜欢,我们互相交换有用的信息,也从你那里得到很多种植的information的。祝新周快乐!
明秋 回复 悄悄话 喜欢这篇,得保存一下。说得有理有据。每次都能学到很多。问好。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '每天一讲' 的评论 : 一讲早! 谢谢一讲阅读,范文谈不上,估计每次的情况不同。我自己留个备份。谢谢一讲,周日快乐!
每天一讲 回复 悄悄话 很好的范文,只要依葫芦画瓢就可以写出一份很不错申赔文
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '彩烟游士' 的评论 : 游士好,是的 要据理力争的,否则人家就是草草了事。还要向游士学习,有主业有副业,什么都懂。谢谢游士临帖,周末快乐!
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '蓬莱阁' 的评论 : 阁阁好! 估计Fedex处理claim的人都没有看到这封信就理赔了,他们理亏啊:)) 谢谢阁阁的阅读和夸赞,我就不谦虚地收下了:)) 阁阁啊,看到你在舒兄那里的留言,我真佩服阁阁有才啊,后起之秀你当之无愧的。谢谢阁阁临帖,今天忙了一天,累坏了。祝我们都有一个愉快的周末!
彩烟游士 回复 悄悄话 据理力争,好样的!暖冬厉害,向你学习!实用英语比口语难多了。


蓬莱阁 回复 悄悄话 暖冬把时间线梳理得很清晰,邮件写得有理有据、不卑不亢。估计Fedex的工作人员读完后会倒吸一口凉气,心想:遇上个惹不起的主,必须赶紧赔款、息事宁人!^_^
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Once-always' 的评论 : Oncemm好! 没关系的,其实真的不用每篇都看都留言,千万不要有负担。我有时也觉得自己花在网上的时间太多了。 Fedex最后理赔可能不是因为这封信,发了这篇博文后,留心了一下他们回复的时间,感觉好像不是这封信在起作用:)),本来就不应该不赔的。但是因为自己花了时间写这封信,特此在这里留个底。还是你说的好,寄两盒snacknation来:)) 谢谢你的阅读和这个最大号的点赞,我写的时候,某人在边上说,你平时写这么多乱七八糟的,这下考验你英文的时候到了:) 就当自己在练习写business letter:) 马上又周末了,祝Oncemm周末快乐,玩得开心!
Once-always 回复 悄悄话 暖mm,这两天关注大选都没看到你的博文。FedEx总算理赔了,太好了。本来他们也没任何道理不理赔的。你的信写得太专业了,有理有据,比律师函更胜一筹。我要给你点个最大号的赞!:)我觉得他们应该加倍给你赔偿,最好亲自寄两盒snacknation. :)))
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Sunny_SoCal' 的评论 : 阳光南加好! 是的,很多客服都不好,解决一个问题要打很多次电话,不同的人给你的答复不同,是很烦心的。当然啦,也有好的。谢谢阳光南加临帖,先祝周末快乐!
Sunny_SoCal 回复 悄悄话 谢谢grace和暖冬分享自己的经历,跟customer service打电话是最烦人的了。。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 'GraceX' 的评论 : 谢谢你啊,Grace,花时间给我写这些,我们在现实生活中都会碰到这样那样的问题的,我们的经验也可以传给孩子们。有时候是赌一口气,有些公司也是很扯皮的。很高兴,你们全家一起,把问题解决了,我也碰到过车保险公司很糟糕,因为没有证据不了了之的。
GraceX 回复 悄悄话 忘了告诉一下了,我要闭关一段时间,过段时间再来读你新的博文啊:))
GraceX 回复 悄悄话 暖冬好,写得有理有据。我估计Fedex对大多数可以不赔的都采取不赔的态度,直到有人据理力争,它们就主动赔偿了,这估计是不少大公司的降低赔偿的手法。我老公曾经遇到过一次车祸,结果保险公司不赔,把责任都推到我们这一方,我们全家一起出动,我写中文反驳书,把它们不赔偿的理由一条条地反驳回去,我儿子帮我翻译成英文,开始不理睬我们,我们就把信寄到上一级的管理层,并扬言,如果再不回复,我们就继续上诉,直到打官司为止,后来,保险公司的经理马上给我们打电话,我让我老公不要接听,一切的交流都通过书面往来,因为我们这些移民一般英文不好,如果在短时间里有什么英文表达上的口误会被对方作为反驳我们的证据,同时也不排除对方对有口音的外来移民的歧视,而且很多时候,这种交流是电话录音的。而用书面交流比较保险,甚至在写信方面,我们也许更能全面周到,比大多数美国人都会写,但写信的内容一定要有证据,就像你的这封信,时间顺序非常清晰。后来,车保险公司的上级领导马上给我们赔礼道歉,并马上把车祸的责任归于了对方,并给了我们赔偿。在美国,千万不能软弱,但“吵架”绝不是靠谁的声音响,最关键的就是证据,所以证据是一切,有了证据,再去讲理,收集证据是关键。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '亮亮妈妈' 的评论 : 亮亮妈妈好! 是的,估计他们的做法是先拒绝,如果你不接受呢再酌情考虑。不过电话是很不好打的,希望下次我们都不要再碰上。谢谢亮亮妈妈惦记我,祝秋安冬好!
亮亮妈妈 回复 悄悄话 太好了。争取一下还是很有必要的。