
38岁的高龄,干吗从军呢?或许是想为自己开劈一条新河,还是挑战一下已经多年朝9晚5的枯燥乏味的办公室生涯? 我至今无从得知。


(2009-01-25 14:50:36) 下一个
01/07/2007 08:30 pm

北卡州, Fort Jackson ,伤兵连。我们聚集一处,军嘈照例做晚间点名。

这时有一个女兵开始找我的麻烦,她大叫什么这个母狗吻起来像只鸡 (whore) 。我知道她在说我,我有点怕。我低着头,试图找个洞钻进去。然后她接着叫唤“我知道,她吻上去好像刚刚结束七天野外训练。”然后就是哄笑。我不明白为什么我会成为众矢之的。这个女兵在连里是个祸害,名声不好。我可以找以前的文件查她的名字。我猜她叫 Private Smith ,二十好几的金发女郎。这时有些男兵开始窃窃私议,我看到 Private William ,我们的排助理,向我靠近,试图看我有什么气闻儿。我感到被侮辱。我希望我能瞬间遁去。最后,我们的长官过来让我们解散,回营房,我才解脱。到现在,我都没搞清他们为何选中我来戏弄。可能因为我是黄皮肤。自那以后,又有更严重的谩骂。有一个战士辱骂我,是魔鬼。我没有还嘴。我一直在压抑内心的火气。真是实生不如死。不知这样的不幸会有多久。
01/08/07,0100 凌晨、
01/08/07,0500 凌晨
有几个战士又像往常一样的辱骂我,这时候,我再也仍不住了,大声音叫得起来,“你们为什么辱骂我,你们骂的每一句话,我都明白,你们是一群混蛋。然后,长官来了,送我去了心理专家做检查。 长官欺软怕硬。
TO be continued....

The Fitness Company, Fort Jackson, SC.
We were gethered in our company area, following orders by our Drill Sergeant as always every evening at this time for the name count.
Now a female soldier started to find fault with me, she shouted, this bitch smelled like a whore. I knew exactly she meant me, and I was a little scared. I bowed my head, wanted to disappear and hide in a hole. And then she went on, “I know now, she smelled like when you just finish the 7 day in the field.” Then there was this roaring of laughter. I had no idea why I became the target they chose to pick on. This female soldier was the trouble maker in our Platoon, bad reputation. I can dig my old paper works and find her name. I am guessing her name is Private Smith, a blond woman in her late twenties. And now some male soldiers started to gossip, and I noticed Private William, who was our Assistant Platoon Guide, approached me, and tried to smell me. I felt so ashamed, and embarrassed. I wish I were somewhere else at the moment. Finally
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Chinesebuns 回复 悄悄话 我觉得进入军队对人绝对是一种磨练。我曾经想去加入US Army,可我老公不让,说怕我被派去战场。他的父辈们的几代人是西点军校的毕业生,我曾经对那里和做军官有着美好的幻想,但从打去过那参观以后俺就怕了。我觉得我不会那么Strong.我会疯掉的。很敬佩姐姐。还没全看完姐姐的故事,退役了吗?