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Scenes in Beijing Botanic Gaden.

(2009-05-25 08:59:09) 下一个

These photos were taken in Beijing Botanic Garden in late March. There is not particular order.

1. The West Mountain.

2. In the warm house. See the photographer in red?

3. In the warm house.

4. In the warm house. I thought the background roots might be a statue, but I was not sure.

5. The photographer was taking picture of the cactus below not the Egyptian statue. See who was watching.

6. "The youngest warrior". This boy's red chins were so impressed. He was trying to throw a handful sand and marbles on a white parrot behind me. Ready to fight! I might be hit if he did. Luckily, he was persuaded not doing so by a nice lady passerby.

7. Part of a gate. I was trying to make a series of photos so that I could stitch them together. I haven't done so yet. Does any one know which stitch software is better?

8. A lone shop.

9. The warm house.

10. A path.

Thank you very much for viewing and commenting. Any criticism and suggestions are welcome. I express my particular thanks to ~V~, R.Ling and U96. Have a nice holiday.


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xia23 回复 悄悄话 Thank you again for your viewing.
R.Ling 回复 悄悄话 5月25号?我怎么没看到过这个帖子,刚才去翻了一下旧帖,确实发过了,我看帖不认真,自我检讨一下。 :)