
越吃越蒙山人 (热门博主)
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(2018-11-06 12:46:26) 下一个













和人的思维程式一样,我们可以教会计算机使用古典逻辑中的三段论来进行推理论证。计算机会很可靠,它不会犯程式上的错误,但它会在前提设立时犯常识的错误。比如,我事先给了计算机这样两个前提:1. 这世界上没有有角的动物是独角兽;2. 按字面定义,所有的独角兽都是有角的动物。接下来,如果我们要计算机据此作出进一步的分析的话,很可能它就会告诉我们这样一个奇怪的推论: 有些有角的动物不是有角的动物。这个谬误是怎么产生的呢?以纯逻辑的概念,这两个给定的前提都是逻辑正确的,计算机的逻辑推理也没有毛病。但是,对于理念清晰的人来说,根据这样的前提,我们不会得出一个自相矛盾的推论,因为我们知道常识。常识告诉我们,独角兽只是一个传说,他所处的动物集与第一个前提里面所说的动物集,其实不是一回事。





1. 马科斯是一个人。

2. 马科斯是庞贝人。

3. 马科斯生于公元前40年。

4. 所有的人都是会死的。

5. 所有的庞贝人死于公元79年的维苏威斯火山爆发。

6. 现在是2018年。









上世纪七十年代的时候,有个加拿大人叫Monty Hall。 他跑到美国发展,主持了一档流行电视节目,叫做《一言为定》(let’s make a deal). 在镜头前,Monty 让你注意面对的三个门,你被告知这三个门后中的一个的柜子里有一万美金, 这在当时算是一笔相当不错的财富了。而另两个门后只是放有一些微不足道的东西,比如说一根香蕉之类的。游戏开始时,你可以选中一个门,如果选择正确的话,那门后边的钱就归你所有了。与此同时,你也知道,台上主持节目的Monty是能看到这三个门后面的真实情况的。


在你做完初次选择之后,Monty会走过来把剩下的两个门中的一个打开,让你看到打开的门后有一只香蕉。然后,他会问你,愿不愿意改变你最初的选择。 也就是说换成另外一个没被打开的门。但是,为此交换,你得付出,你必须花十块美金去得到这次改变主意的机会。当然,这次交换如果最终是选择错误,那十块钱就白花了。要不要抓住最后的机会改变初始的选择呢?这就是对直觉和理性的考验了。在此情况下,很多直觉感很强的人的决定就是不换了,因为他们觉得概率不变。但实际上,这既是一个心理的问题,也是一个逻辑的问题,或者说也是一个数学的问题。




但是,如果我们静下心来仔细思考一下,就会发现这时的情况和一开始的不同之处。最开始你第一次选择的时候,是一种机会均等的随机抽选。你拿到了一个有三分之一机会的门,剩下来两个门占有其余的三分之二机会。要注意,随后,Monty并不是随机打开了剩下的两个门中的一个。他一定会是有选择性地打开了没有机会的一个门。按照这样的非常规思维,从逻辑的角度,剩下的两个门就不是同样的有钱可能性了。Monty 没打开的那个门,其实是独占了开始时候的三分之二可能性。在这样的情形下,理智的做法是,抓住最后的机会,把原来的选择放弃,去改换更高机会概率的那个门,只有这样你得奖的机会才能翻倍。




了解轮盘赌运作的人都知道,小球跳出来的数字基本上是以红黑各稍稍小于一半的可能性来出现的。如果从你入场下注的时间点开始算,下一个数字出现是红的可能性基本上是1/2,下两次都出现是红的可能性是1/4,下三次都是红的可能性差不多是1/8。 我那次是看到有了五次连续的红数字以后,开始押黑的数字。这时候按概率思考,连续出现6次同样颜色的可能性小于1.56%。但那次我运气不好,第六次轮盘上小球还是跳到了红色的格子里。我加倍押翻黑,结果事与愿违,结果第七次还是红。我再加倍押反转变黑,轮盘数字连续第八次还是红。就这样轮盘数字一直连续了十二次红,把我指数级别加码的赌注全都吞了进去。




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越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 'nightrider' 的评论 :回复 'nightrider' 的评论 :
I made some small changes to my original reply to you several days ago, mainly added a paragraph talking about ancient chniese wisdom. The following is the updated version of that.

2018-11-08 18:42:03

回复 'nightrider' 的评论 :

Although all of the writings I put here in my blog are not academic essays , to those meticulous and serious attitude people, I still don’t mind to talk a bit more about the construction rational and supporting argument behind.

At least one thing you said here should be right, definitely I am not an expert in neither math nor logic, none of them. However another thing you zoomed in and talked for quite a while was totally wrong. The unicorn metaphor I used in the article was not to reveal a double entendre hidden there, but was trying to explain a concept that without the so called prior knowledge, a machine can produce wrong judgement.

Is Aristotelian logic flawless? Of course not. In the 17th century, Leibniz expanded the syllogism formats from 19 to 24. But still it’s not perfect. Then George Boole spent a lot of time thinking about the Aristotelian premise sets, eventually he found a mistake there originated by Aristotle , or a defect neglected by Aristotle.. Boole attempted to tell us that, the universal statements "all S is P" and "no S is P" (contraries in the traditional Aristotelian schema) are compossible provided that the set of "S" is the empty set. "All S is P" is construed to mean that "there is nothing that is both S and not-P"; "no S is P", that "there is nothing that is both S and P". Similarly, the subcontrary relationship is dissolved between the existential statements "some S is P" and "some S is not P". The former is interpreted as "there is some S such that S is P" and the latter, "there is some S such that S is not P", both of which are clearly false where S is nonexistent.

Therefore in my article , I used the unicorn contradiction to explain this . When I say , 1. an unicorn is a horn animal and 2. no horn animal is an unicorn, the both statements are correct from the pure logic point of view, but the Unicorn set is nonexistent. We know this , because we are human we have prior knowledge or common sense ( you should like this term). Computer does not, therefore it goes to contradiction.

Of course I understand that the modern computer design was not simply based on the classic logic. But I still talked about this unicorn metaphor, my intention was to indicate that there ’s a defect in Aristotelian system . You see what I mean? That is the foundation of modern science, the foundation of modern mathematics, no matter how complicated those all are about.

Can the modern math describe or cover all the details of human life, all the universal layers, all the changes happening everywhere? A bunch of top minds living in the world don’t think so. You can check with Wiki about the alien thoughts and ideas of the guys like Mandelbrot, Conway, especially Wolfram. This is why I said , at the current stage, computer can not understand human intuition, can not understand human culture , can not understand conscientious principles etc.

I had an article talking about my understanding of Wolfram’s thought, you can click the link below to have a look then pour out your scorning thereafter.:)


To finish this back and forth discussion or rebuttal debate , I feel compulsively to present you a saying from 《荀子》here : 所谓士者,虽不能尽术,必有率也。I believe you are too young to understand this kind of oriental ancient wisdom. To the people in my age , intellectual means we don’t care about those sophisticated theoretic specifications that much as you do, we are more fascinated in the methodology and philosophy thinking of the universal truth instead.

By the way, forget about that Bayesian thing, I just wanted to make up a fortune telling joke, make fun of politics, not serious about it.
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 'nightrider' 的评论 : one more thing, does a name, Keith Delvin ring a bell to you? His book energized a lot to my thinking for this.
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 'nightrider' 的评论 :

Although all of the writings I put here in my blog are not academic essays , to those meticulous and serious attitude people, I still don’t mind to talk a bit more about the construction rational and supporting argument behind.

At least one thing you said here should be right, definitely I am not an expert in neither math nor logic, none of them. However another thing you zoomed in and talked for quite a while was totally wrong. The unicorn metaphor I used in the article was not to reveal a double entendre hidden there, but was trying to explain a concept that without the so called prior knowledge, a machine can produce wrong judgement.

Is Aristotelian logic flawless? Of course not. In 17th century, Leibniz expanded the syllogism formats from 19 to 24. But still it’s not perfect. Then George Boole spent a lot of time thinking about the Aristotelian premise sets, eventually he found a mistake there originated by Aristotle , or a defect neglected by Aristotle.. Boole attempted to tell us that, the universal statements "all S is P" and "no S is P" (contraries in the traditional Aristotelian schema) are compossible provided that the set of "S" is the empty set. "All S is P" is construed to mean that "there is nothing that is both S and not-P"; "no S is P", that "there is nothing that is both S and P". Similarly, the subcontrary relationship is dissolved between the existential statements "some S is P" and "some S is not P". The former is interpreted as "there is some S such that S is P" and the latter, "there is some S such that S is not P", both of which are clearly false where S is nonexistent.

Therefore in my article , I used the unicorn contradiction to explain this . When I say , 1. a unicorn is a horn animal and 2. no horn animal is a unicorn, the both statements are correct from the pure logic point of view, but the Unicorn set is empty. We know this , because we are human we have prior knowledge or common sense ( you should like this term). Computer does not, therefore it goes to contradiction.

Of course I understand that the modern computer design was not simply based on the classic logic. But I still talked about this unicorn metaphor, my intention was to indicate that there ’s defect in Aristotelian system . You see what I mean? That is the foundation of modern science, the foundation of modern mathematics, no matter how complicated those all are about.

Can the modern math describe or cover all the details of human life, all the universal layers, all the changes happening everywhere? A bunch of top minds living in the world don’t think so. You can check with Wiki about the alien thoughts and ideas of the guy like Mandelbrot, Conway, especially Wolfram. This is why I said , at the current stage, computer can not understand human intuition, can not understand human culture , can not understand conscientious principles etc.

I had an article talking about my understanding of Wolfram’s thought, you can click the link below to have a look then pour out your scorning thereafter.:)


by the way, forget about that Bayesian thing, I just wanted to make up a fortune telling joke, make fun of politics, not serious about it.
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 By the way, the martingale (doubling the stake) betting strategy is a horrible one as you do not have infinite endowment. Check out the fractional Kelly criterion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly_criterion.
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 Thank you for your compliment.

Excuse my bluntness and with all due respect, I would like to point out that as regard to logical deduction, you are again confusing distinct notions. Of course a logical syllogism with every symbol mathematically rigorously defined, could lead to a contradiction. That is inherent in and an indispensable and integral part of the logic. The canonical and actually form of the contradiction is (A and not A). It is always false. Without it there is no way to deduce whether a proposition or a logical deduction is false. But a true contradiction is NOT attained when the symbols are NOT rigorously defined.

There are indeed true logical paradoxes. There is also the Godel's incompleteness theorem. But that is NOT what you are talking about here. So please do not confuse the notions.

Your example of the unicorn is a quintessential example of confusion of concepts. If you do want to study double entendre, you are using the wrong tool. There is no inherent flaws in using pure logic to analyze double entendre. Any flaw comes from you not using the right logical/mathematical expression. To put it more bluntly, you can not blame the mathematics for you writing down 1+2=-1. The blame is squarely on your erroneous usage of mathematics, not mathematics per se.

You can use Bayesian probability to study and draw conclusions for many things. You have to pick the prior and the model. Different prior and models will lead to different conclusions. Why is that any surprise? That is the very reason you and your wife fight. That is the reason you can not read a letter in Icelandic, because your prior knowledge base does not contain Icelandic. How are you different from a computer in this regard? How does not prove mathematical logic is less effective than human instinct?

There are legitimate contemplations over the relationship between languages and mathematics/logic and over the artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, judging from what you have written here, most, if and maybe not all, of your puzzlements stem from a confusing understanding of and loose grasp of mathematics and logic.
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 'nightrider' 的评论 :hehe, you are a smart guy, this time I agree with you on the most part of your writings here.
As to the paradox, that was not because I'd not defined about the meaning of the words clearly .
Actually, that was a piece of puzzlement we inherited since the age of Aristotle . however, that puzzlement also brought up some hints to the philosophers and logicians in the old times. So now we understand that, in pure logic theory/concept, even with the correct premises ,the syllogism deduction can go contradiction. the reason we, the human, can make it right is because we don't use absolute premises. Our prior knowledge contaminated the pureness of the premises already, in the most of the cases.
thanks for sharing your comment.
nightrider 回复 悄悄话 Much of your puzzlement comes from confusing distinct notions of mathematics (including logic). For example, the Monty Hall problem is a very simple and straightforward exercise of the calculation of the ultimate probability from the (conditional) probabilities. For your roulette problem, you having assumed the independence of each throw, should realize that conditioning on having observed the ball landing on red consecutively n times still gives the probability of the ball landing on blue 1/2. 1/2^n is only the probability of observing consecutive red (or for that matter any combination) in the NEXT n throws.

As for your logic "paradox", it comes about only because you have not clearly defined the meaning of each word. Of course, people speak double entendre. It can also be interpreted logically. Understanding a double entendre is not unlike cryptography trying to decode an encrypted message sent through a noisy channel. The efficiency of decryption depends on the computational capacity, prior knowledge and your algorithm for decoding "long distance" dependency (for example, the long short memory neural network is a fashionable algorithm for doing that). Even humans would be at a loss to understand certain jokes. Just remind yourself the numerous occasions you scratched your head and wondered what the native speakers were laughing about, and when you blanked at the sports metaphor they throw at you. Are you any different from the computer?
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 '铃兰听风' 的评论 : 刚刚出来的这篇上尉的有点迷离。挺神的:)
铃兰听风 回复 悄悄话 回复 '越吃越蒙山人' 的评论 :

大可不必对米免过敏 : ))

报告大哥, 我有一些 clients 在 Casino 工作多年, 她们讲了不少赌场的秘闻给我听. 是吗? 我写的故事情节迷离吗 : )

铃兰不赌博, 入 Casino 的次数, 包括进餐, 屈指可数.
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 '铃兰听风' 的评论 : 谢谢铃兰的问候,you too(差点说成米兔)。
铃兰听风 回复 悄悄话 兴高采烈地跑进来, 看完傻了, 不知所云, 不是, 是我不懂. 那问候山人大哥安好吧, 这个我擅长.
只看明白一点, 小明知道小芳说话的潜台词, 比 AI 聪明可靠.
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 'westshore' 的评论 : 不过留言中有一点是否可以商榷。你后面说现在的AI还不能做到自主扩大知识外沿的原因是技术达不到,我总觉得是理论瓶颈在制约。
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 'westshore' 的评论 : 你这段留言讲的特别好。尤其是想象力那个观点。
westshore 回复 悄悄话 其实在80年代对于AI的主要测试标准就是理解自然语言,是理解,不是构造,后者相对容易。因此即使AI能写出不错的小说也不能说就是成熟的AI。
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 '枪迷球迷' 的评论 : 你要是仔细看了我的第三节,应该发现,我就是这么认为的,在这个Monty Hall 节目里,说明的就是很多时候不要信直觉,要追从数学逻辑。
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 '晓龙东云' 的评论 : 下一篇写不写关系不大了。选举都完了,不马后炮了:)欢迎常来指正。
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 'appaloosa' 的评论 : 谢谢留言。
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Luumia' 的评论 : 半吊子总比我这个瓶子底要好多了。
枪迷球迷 回复 悄悄话 Monty Hall Dilemma 事实上是数学胜过“常识”而不是相反。 以为换与不换在数学上一样是数学上的错误。这是个著名问题,教数学的人常用的例子来说明直觉往往是错的。
晓龙东云 回复 悄悄话 谢谢。期待下一篇
appaloosa 回复 悄悄话 有意思。盼继续。
Luumia 回复 悄悄话 回复 '越吃越蒙山人' 的评论 :
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 '晓龙东云' 的评论 : 现在的AI是很厉害。阿尔法狗成功后,我也没跟踪后续报告,没有了解它的设计思想是基于什么理论。不过,按几年前的说法,好像能指导AI跳出人类逻辑限制的数学还没有成型,不知道这几年发展得怎么样了。
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Luumia' 的评论 : 呵呵,米娅原来也是统计学的行家里手啊。看你文笔那么好,原来以为你是文科出身。幸亏没有班门弄斧。
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 '个人观点仅供参考' 的评论 : 嗯,有这种可能。不过我都是小打小闹,不值得庄家出千。
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 '土豆-禾苗' 的评论 : 哈哈,土豆怎么鼓动我去骚动呢。早就看破红尘,不会轻易躁动了:)
晓龙东云 回复 悄悄话 现代人工智能已经开始具备越来越强的自我学习能力,这种学习能力能不能让计算机学会人类所谓的常识和经验呢?
Luumia 回复 悄悄话 还有,我自己的论文导师,法国生物统计头牌教授(polytechnicien ),从来都不玩casino之类的概率游戏:-)
Luumia 回复 悄悄话 留言中的100是100欧元。系统不认特殊符啊。
Luumia 回复 悄悄话 数学家曾经的实验室,每星期大家集资买彩票(头筹均为几千万甚至几亿欧),连续6年,中的最大奖为100?。实验室不乏专攻概率的数学家。casino就是神奇啊,脑袋再好使也没用:-)
个人观点仅供参考 回复 悄悄话 有一种解说:那个轮盘后边可能是由老千操控的,也就是计算机软件控制。
土豆-禾苗 回复 悄悄话 我是在暗示山人是只知逻辑只讲逻辑的机器人呢,您得择时骚动一下啊,怪不得人家把那一动也不动的蜥蜴送人了,:)))
越吃越蒙山人 回复 悄悄话 回复 '土豆-禾苗' 的评论 : haha,土豆不瞒你说,那个小明正是山人,过了快四十年,小芳还没说metoo。
土豆-禾苗 回复 悄悄话 我怎么都觉得起身关窗的小明就是个机器人了。
