评论: 名列第一和第四的耶鲁与哈佛法学院相继退出这一榜单

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cczz 发表评论于 2022-11-18 07:27:00
模糊人生 发表评论于 2022-11-17 18:31:21
ljcn 发表评论于 2022-11-17 15:18:03
tz2000 发表评论于 2022-11-17 15:11:53
渤海 发表评论于 2022-11-17 14:56:51
Armweak 发表评论于 2022-11-17 14:36:12
“ Yale and Harvard law schools, two of the premier law schools in the country, announced they are parting ways with U.S. News & World Report's rankings of best law schools. The schools are bowing out after criticizing the publication's methodology, arguing that the list actively perpetuates disparities in law schools. Given the elite status of Yale and Harvard, the move is significant and could signal a greater shift away from college rankings. For years, policymakers and those working in higher education have dismissed the rankings, though they are still referenced by potential students and their families. The decisions have been met with praise, but some questioned whether the move, if followed by other schools, would make it more difficult for the average person to choose to which colleges to apply.”
nzder7 发表评论于 2022-11-17 14:10:00
鬼不灵 发表评论于 2022-11-17 13:25:14

抵制一切排名, 都是敛财的把戏。
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