N95口罩发明人Dr. Peter Tsai:教你如何重复使用口罩

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  • Dr. Amanda Deskins, DO contacted Dr. Peter Tsai, MD, the INVENTOR of the filtration fabric in the N95 mask (JAMA Network from March 23rd, 2020) N95 masks are made of polypropylene material and are designed to tightly fit over your face with little leakage around the edge of the mask. She asked Dr. Tsai about reusing the N95 respirator, and what materials could be added in homemade masks to make them more effective. He responded with the following:
    • When reusing N95 masks, leave a used respirator in dry, atmosphere air for 3-4 days to dry it out. Polypropylene in N95 masks is hydrophobic and contains zero moisture. COVID-19 needs a host to surviveit can survive on a metal surface for up to 48 hours, on plastic for 72 hours, and on cardboard for 24 hours. When the respirator is dry in 3-4 days, the virus will not have survived.
      • Take four N95 masks, and number them (#1-4).
      • On day 1, use mask #1, then let it dry it out for 3-4 days.
      • On day 2, use mask #2, then let it dry out for 3-4 days.
      • Same for day 3, and day 4
    • You can also sterilize the N95 mask by hanging it in the oven (Not a home oven) without contacting metal at 70C (158F) for 30 minutesit is reported that COVID-19 cannot survive at 65C (149F) for 30 minutes.
    • Use a wood clip to hang the respirator in the kitchen oven to do the sterilization.
    • When sterilizing N95 masks, be wary of using UV lightkeep N95 masks away from UV light / sunlight. N95 masks are degraded by UV light because it damages the electrostatic charges in the polypropylene material. It is unclear how long the masks can be exposed to UV light before they are ineffective.
    • DO NOT place the respirator on a metal surface, or too close to metalthe temperature on the metal surface is higher than the air temperature.
    • Keep N95 masks away from UV light / sunlight.
    • When removing the mask, hold the edge of the straps attached to take off the N95 mask. Your hands may be contaminated at this timedont touch the inside part of the respirator. Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds afterward.
    • https://rebelem.com/covid-19-prevention/
  • 田纳西大学的报道:
  • https://utrf.tennessee.edu/ut-researchers-nonwoven-fabrics-protect-the-health-of-more-than-a-billion-people/
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回复 'ilovefriday' 的评论 : 很高兴!
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回复 'cn_abcd' 的评论 : 欢迎。
蓝调 发表评论于
回复 '禾末' 的评论 :
这个链接里有简单介绍 https://utrf.tennessee.edu/information-faqs-performance-protection-sterilization-of-masks-against-covid-19/
禾末 发表评论于
谢谢你的介绍,google了Dr. Tsai,但没有看到他的bio,骄傲,中国人!
cn_abcd 发表评论于
FightVirus 发表评论于
不要叹息, 不要等待, 为你为我, 行动起来。请花一分钟签名呼吁, 并转发给你的讲中文或者讲英文的朋友 - 国会立法, 支持口罩生产, 要求人人戴口罩防疫:


冠状病毒从无症状的人传播到他人是一个严重的问题。许多人感染了冠状病毒, 但从未表现出任何症状, 或者症状很轻, 以至于他们从未意识到自己感染了冠状病毒。今天, 有症状的人将被隔离, 但在确认感染该病毒之前, 他们可能已经传给了很多人。口罩会让这种情形变得不同。如果您感染了冠状病毒, 口罩将阻止您扩散到他人。如果您还没有感染冠状病毒, 则面罩将减少您被感染的机会。在其他国家与这种新型冠状病毒的斗争中, 口罩已证实有效。非医务人员不需要N95口罩, 只需要常规手术口罩。口罩的成本比经济成本和医疗费用便宜得多。口罩, 社交疏远和洗手将共同帮助美国战胜冠状病毒。美国已经付出沉重代价。一旦病毒卷土重来回来后, 我们负担不起再一次的隔离。我们正在与冠状病毒赛跑。我们必须为我们的国家美国做好准备。国会需要通过一项立法, 1.优先为医疗人员提供个人保护设备(包括口罩); 2.支持在美国国内生产口罩; 3.在大流行期间, 在所有公共场所强制使用口罩。