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An officer of the Portland, Maine, Police Department tested the air temperature on Feb. 24 by throwing a glass of water outside, only for it to freeze as it came into contact with the bitter air.


Police in Portland, Maine created a visual representation of the dangerously cold weather conditions yesterday.

To demonstrate just how cold it was in front of his precinct, this officer threw a cup of water into the air. Through the magic of slow-motion (thanks, new iPhones!), we can see the water turn from its drinkable liquid state to its cold and angry counter-part, ice.
Of course, it doesn't look like ice. It looks like a cloud.

The officer doesn't say, but I have to assume that the water he threw was boiling.Because it was so close to steam, the water broke into smaller droplets when thrown into the air than would cold water. With more surface area, the heat is expelled quicker, so instead of mostly water droplets falling to the ground, or giant ice chunks (it would have to be an unlivable cold for that to happen), we get a bunch of tiny ice crystals that float away in a cloud.

Police in Maine: guarding the streets from water, one cup at a time.

Fifi2014 发表评论于
香皂 发表评论于
CIAgent 发表评论于
这有什么。上周出门碰到邻居打了个招呼hello刚出口,掉地上几个字母:O hell.
花花辫子 发表评论于
如果水泼的不够开, 会有一些结成冰, 这是因为汽化带走大量的热, 和低温大气没有主要关系。
花花辫子 发表评论于
好吧, 在我教我的(talented)中学生的课上是这么解释的:
寒冷天, 室外大气中湿度很低, 这时水泼出去的姿势要很讲究, 要尽量散开。 在很低湿度环境下, 水会很快汽化,这些水根本没有结成冰, 只是以汽化的状态漂浮在空气中。 如果是冰, 那应该很快落到地上的。
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