台湾空难黑匣子记录曝光 机长最后留言:不行不行

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llyhnbh 发表评论于
From the news it is not very clear the crash was caused by crosswind or microburst storm, either of which is very dangerous to airplane during landing or takeoff due to low speed and low altitude of the aircraft. First the airplane stalls because the relative speed between the aircraft wings and the surrounding air suddenly dropped, once it stalls there is no altitude for the pilot to speedup the plane to recover from stall.
房中述 发表评论于
jinzhengping 发表评论于
这叫power on stall
笔名已被占用 发表评论于
“疑似被气流压下来” 这个也支持了失速的假设。其实不是“被气流压下来”,而是失速坠落。