以喝咖啡当借口 副机师疑遭机长“骗离”驾驶舱

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浪迹天下 发表评论于
john438 发表评论于
美国将军说了, MH370已经降落在巴基斯坦与阿富汗的边境处。马来猴子这下可藏不住啦:

wangd103 发表评论于
怎么可以瞎说 发表评论于
ray99wen 发表评论于
createuniverse2 发表评论于
一个多月前, 我就说了。

基本上, 就是机长要只掉副机师。

the plan flies vertically at one point is probably when the co-pilot try to take control back... unfortunately co-pilot was standing up. the pilot has to fly vertically to knock the co-pilot down...
烙印龙 发表评论于
Bluebluesky123 发表评论于
how desperate he could have been, probably facing close to 300 dead bodies in the plane at the time.
涩郎 发表评论于
This is my guess too.The only way he could control the plane is tricking the co pilot out and then shut the door.
If they found the plane and they could see only one pilot in the cockpit