美民宅惊传闹鬼!小孩飘空中 连警察也吓破胆

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panz 发表评论于
USA Today 也有报道,所以至少不是假新闻。这里有报道和采访录像:


GoldenEar 发表评论于
Juzizhoutou 发表评论于
I have a lot DVDs of the haunting. Such as The Haunted Hawaii, The Haunted Tomb Stone, The Haunted White House... I believe it. But how come the new tenants have no problems with the house?
XYZ666 发表评论于
这根本就是2013 movie "The Conjuring" 的情节, 不过这出电影还蛮好看的
淡定哥 发表评论于
可以拍haunting house 3
tiandi-水流 发表评论于
lauritaa 发表评论于
SanGabriel 发表评论于
房东表示,“鬼屋”搬进新租客後,就再没鬧鬼了。 --> So all that was said to be happening in the house before this new tenant moved in is a joke.
paladindancer 发表评论于
wo bu xin!
leomon 发表评论于
that is reflection
jingtao09 发表评论于