实拍:金雕高空高速俯冲扑向婴儿 婴儿被抓离地

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A video of a purported golden eagle swooping from the skies of Montreal to snatch a toddler off the ground flew its way across the internet this morning, instantly becoming a viral sensation.

But on closer review, the video, which has over one million views on YouTube already, is full of clues that might lead you to believe it is a fake.

The eagle-eyed viewers should notice the first clue in within seconds of the 1 minute video when the right wing of the bird appears to get cut in half only for it to reappear fully feathered an instant later.

If that's not enough to convince you, skip ahead to the eleventh second of the video as the bird is half way through it's dive bomb attack.

At first you can see pedestrians and trees on the ground with shadows to the left of their bodies, but the bird's shadow is conspiciously absent only for it to appear as if by magic a moment later.

Sam大树 发表评论于
kent928 发表评论于
This video is a fake!

"Within hours, the jig was up. Montreal's Centre NAD, a school that specializes in 3-D animation design, acknowledged that the video was made up in a production simulation workshop class by three of its students: Normand Archambault, Loic Mireault and Felix Marquis-Poulin. "Both the eagle and the kid were created in 3-D animation and integrated into the film afterwards," the school said in a statement."

For more information see ***cosmiclog.nbcnews***/_news/2012/12/19/16021454-that-kid-snatching-eagle-video-fake?lite
xxx12345678 发表评论于
王小林 发表评论于
Ontario 学生的大作
netofficer 发表评论于
过路人路过 发表评论于
GoldenEar 发表评论于
静夜听雨 发表评论于
晓雨1 发表评论于
1st_step 发表评论于
giddyup 发表评论于
can't see being fake...
3rdwolfy 发表评论于
曲线救国 发表评论于
可可西里 发表评论于
I believe it was true. When I take care of my little one. I saw a big eagle swooping swooping from the skies of Montreal and try to snatched my son.
红菱嫣然 发表评论于
aisingioro_fox 发表评论于
cheater-hater 发表评论于
holy cow!