美大选投票今正式开始 各州投票截止时间一览

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  人民网11月6日讯 美国总统大选的选民投票日将于今日举行,美国总统奥巴马和共和党总统候选人罗姆尼终迎来巅峰对决。由于美国横跨6个时区,且有些州同时跨过两个时区,所以各州投票开始和结束的时间有所差别。另外,美国纽约州选举官员日前表示,如果飓风“桑迪”造成的破坏致使大量受灾民众缺席6日总统选举和国会选举,纽约州一些县可能额外获得一天时间,供选民投票。





  9点:阿拉巴马州、康乃迪克州、新罕布什尔州、特拉华州、哥伦比亚特区、新泽西州、佛罗里达州、俄克拉荷马州、宾夕法尼亚州、伊利诺伊州、罗德岛州、南达科达州、田纳西州、马萨诸塞州、德克萨斯州、密歇根州、缅因州、密西西比州、马里兰州 、密苏里州







长在红旗下 发表评论于
Wall Street Journal Political Diary contributors offer their predictions for Election Day.
Robert L. Pollock, Wall Street Journal editorial board member.

Mitt Romney will win the presidency with a comfortable majority of more than 300 Electoral College votes. Ohio will not be decisive because other Midwestern states—possibly including Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota and Michigan—will fall into the Romney camp. So will Colorado, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, New Hampshire and, likely, Pennsylvania.

Why? I'm going with the general rule of the thumb that incumbent presidents who can't get themselves above 50% in the polls do not win. I'm also assuming presidents running for re-election in an economy as bad as ours do not win. Polls showing a close race are based on samples with a Democratic bias.

Mr. Romney is the most articulate candidate the GOP has put forward since Ronald Reagan. Although he is not the kind of small-government conservative that excites the Republican base, the base is confident that he is serious about tackling our debt crisis and repealing ObamaCare. He is also viewed favorably by independents. If he cannot win in an economy like this one, it would mean that the composition of the electorate has changed in such a way that the current GOP coalition will probably never elect another president.

Is there any reason to believe the electorate has changed in such a way? No. Look at the tea party and the congressional results from 2010. Look at the recent Gallup numbers showing a decisive shift in self-identified party affiliation toward the GOP between 2008 and 2012.

But Republicans should not get cocky when they win. One of the smartest things a President Romney could do would be common-sense immigration reform to make Hispanics—many of whom have conservative values—more comfortable voting for the party. That would help keep the GOP coalition viable for decades to come.
初雪 发表评论于

怎么,输不起? 不稀奇,他就这么点出息!
长在红旗下 发表评论于
从来没有一个总统一口一个我我我的(I, I, I, not we we we)。从来没有一个这么自爱的总统,只会表演。明天他的正式工作是演员。

I voted for change, character, better jobs and a better economy. I voted for a brighter future for our posterity and new hope. I voted for a smaller federal government and a balanced responsible budget. I voted for accountability, transparency, leadership and a record of of bi partisanship. I did not vote for Obama - I voted for Romney!
nanxun 发表评论于
cheesewithwhine 发表评论于
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