奥巴马提前大选投票 成美国总统史上第一人

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  美国富商特朗普(Donald Trump)周一于清谈节目扬言,拥有一些关于奥巴马「非常、非常重要的资料」,预备在周三中午公诸于世。他扬言资料「震撼」,很可能改变大选结果,估计传媒将以极大篇幅报道。但最后证实特朗普「无料到」,他仅是利诱奥巴马在10月底前公开其护照和大学读书证明文件,就他「并非美国出生」的传言,再作澄清;作为条件,特朗普会1小时内即时捐出500万美元给任何奥巴马属意的慈善机构。

  特朗普周一扬言爆料,曾惹来诸多揣测,佛州投资者兼专栏作家卡斯(Douglas Kass)周二便在twitter上声称,特朗普「将宣布发现总统与其妻子的离婚文件」。今年初美国作家克莱恩(Ed Klein)在着作《门外汉》(The Amateur)中,曾提及2000年奥巴马竞逐芝加哥众议院议席惨败时,米歇尔对丈夫不听劝告冒险参选,令原本稳定无忧的未来受威胁感到不满,更备妥文件离婚。书中称,当时奥巴马夫妇的关系结冰,奥巴马非常抑郁,友人甚至担心他会自杀。直至奥巴马4年后捲土重来,当选伊利诺伊州参议员后,才令米歇尔回心转意。虽然奥巴马夫妇曾承认婚姻遇波折,惟白宫否认书中内容,并称克莱恩曾虚构事实,暗示其言论不足取信。


wish29 发表评论于
奥八,一个典型的政客 - 就得一张嘴!
787DL 发表评论于
Eveline 发表评论于
如果这是事实的话,奥巴马连小布什都不如。当总统是他的top priority,as to how to act like a president, it is the secondary.自己任命的外交官都被人搞死了,P都不敢放,还道歉呢,what a weenie!
Breaking news 23..pm,10/23/2012

Emails revealed that the White House and Pentagon got to know the terror attack linked to Al Qeada to US embassy in Libya just minutes after it started to happen. But within 7 hours Obama and his administration just sat in their offices watching 4 Americans killed eventually. They literally did nothing to help to rescue our people even help can come from Tripoli or our air force in turkey in a hour if they order.

Obama did not have the intention to save American lives. He went to bed that night with 4 deaths and right next day he went Las Vegas fundraising and Partying. Then in the following 14 days, he denied it a terror attack and blamed the video......

As the US President and Commander-in-chief, What kind of people he is when he refuses to help to save American lives?!!
bosstalk 发表评论于
罗姆尼的势头,已经慢慢地赶上奥巴马, 奥巴马的抹黑战术没有用, 他和他的手下都是在吹牛。
jenner1126 发表评论于
Breaking news 23..pm,10/23/2012

Emails revealed that the White House and Pentagon got to know the terror attack linked to Al Qeada to US embassy in Libya just minutes after it started to happen. But within 7 hours Obama and his administration just sat in their offices watching 4 Americans killed eventually. They literally did nothing to help to rescue our people even help can come from Tripoli or our air force in turkey in a hour if they order.

Obama did not have the intention to save American lives. He went to bed that night with 4 deaths and right next day he went Las Vegas fundraising and Partying. Then in the following 14 days, he denied it a terror attack and blamed the video......

As the US President and Commander-in-chief, What kind of people he is when he refuses to help to save American lives?!!
lovegoodmusic 发表评论于
奥巴马 全职为自己。