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by Klaith

前几天在云南省昆明市参加神经科的学术研讨会。晚上同朋友前往当地商业区金马碧鸡坊、南屏步行街一带参观,走至正义街的时候突然发现家 Apple Store。

目前全中国大陆 Apple Store 零售店共有四家,两家在北京的三里屯、西单大悦城,另两家则位于上海的陆家嘴、香港广场,其余并无分店。不过,这家店正上方的黑色招牌赫然写着“Apple Store”字样,搭配一旁硕大的白色 Apple 标志。店面大概数十个平方,分成两层。店内的店员身着胸前印有白色 Apple 标志的蓝色 T 恤,佩戴灰色的身份牌,与正式 Apple Store 员工无异。而墙上张贴的产品宣传也和 Apple Store 里的一摸一样。


“Apple Store”是 Apple 的注册商标,代表着 Apple 自己的直营零售业务。然而,在昆明正义街 23 号竟然还存在一家山寨 Apple Store 零售店,确实让我对天朝人民的山寨本领有了更新的认识。

Are you listening, Steve Jobs?

The Western news media is replete with pithy descriptions of the rapid changes taking place in China: China has the world’s fastest growing economy. China is undergoing remarkable and rapid change. This represents a unique moment for a society changing as quickly as China.

You probably read such things in the paper every day – but if you have never been to China, I’m not sure you know quite what this means on a mundane level. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere on this blog, in the 2+ years that RP and I have been in our apartment, much of the area around us has been torn down, rebuilt, or gutted and renovated – in some cases, several times over. I had the thought, only half-jokingly, that when we returned from a couple months abroad, we might not be able to recognize our apartment building. Or that it might not be there at all.

As it turns out, my fears were baseless – our scrappy little home remains. The neighborhood, however, has definitely kicked it up a notch or seven. Starbucks has opened not one, but THREE branches (that I encountered) within a 10 minute walk of one another. An H&M has opened across from our apartment building. These are the kinds of major Western brands that were previously only represented in Kunming by fast food chains like McDonald’s and KFC. Our neighborhood has quickly become the swanky shopping center of the city.

So when we strolled down a street a few blocks from our house a couple weeks ago, I was only sort of surprised to see this new place, one that any American of my generation can probably recognize instantaneously:

It’s an Apple store!

Or is it?

RP and I went inside and poked around. They looked like Apple products. It looked like an Apple store. It had the classic Apple store winding staircase and weird upstairs sitting area. The employees were even wearing those blue t-shirts with the chunky Apple name tags around their necks.

We proceeded to place a bet on whether or not this was a genuine Apple store or just the best ripoff we had ever seen – and to be sporting, I bet that it was real.

I know, you guys are laughing: an Apple store in Kunming? No one who doesn’t know me personally has ever heard of Kunming before. Kunming is the end of the Earth. It’s all true – but seriously, China warps your mind into believing that anything is possible, if you stay here long enough. When we went back to this store 5 days later and couldn’t find it, having overshot by two blocks, I seriously thought that it had simply been torn down and replaced with a bank in the mean time – hey, it’s China. That could happen.

You have already guessed the punchline, of course: this was a total Apple store ripoff. A beautiful ripoff – a brilliant one – the best ripoff store we had ever seen (and we see them every day). But some things were just not right: the stairs were poorly made. The walls hadn’t been painted properly.

Apple never writes “Apple Store” on it’s signs – it just puts up the glowing, iconic fruit.

The name tags around the necks of the friendly salespeople didn’t actually have names on them – just an Apple logo and the anonymous designation “Staff”. And of course, Apple’s own website will tell you that they only have a few stores in Beijing and Shanghai, opened only recently; Apple famously opens new stores painstakingly, presumably to assure impeccable standards and lots of customer demand.

Is this store a copy of one of those in Beijing? A copy of a copy in another Chinese city? A copy of a copy of a copy?! While you’re pondering that, bear in mind: this is a near-perfect ripoff of a store selling products that were almost unknown when we first came to China. My white MacBook was likely to draw only blank stares or furrowed brows as I sat gnashing my teeth trying in vain to get a piece of Chinese software to run on it.

Being the curious types that we are, we struck up some conversation with these salespeople who, hand to God, all genuinely think they work for Apple. I tried to imagine the training that they went to when they were hired, in which they were pitched some big speech about how they were working for this innovative, global company – when really they’re just filling the pockets of some shyster living in a prefab mansion outside the city by standing around a fake store disinterestedly selling what may or may not be actual Apple products that fell off the back of a truck somewhere.

Clearly, they had also been told that above all, they must protect the brand. As I took these photos I was quickly accosted by two salespeople inside, and three plain clothes security guys outside, putting their hands in my face and telling me to stop taking photographs – that it wasn’t allowed. And why wasn’t it allowed? Because their boss told them so.

I…may or may not have told them that we were two American Apple employees visiting China and checking out the local stores. Either way, they got friendlier and allowed me to snap some pictures.

And the best part? A ten minute walk around the corner revealed not one, but TWO more rip-off Apple stores.

Some store managers may have dozed off briefly during certain parts of the lecture on How to Completely Ignore Intellectual Property Rights:

Anyone from Apple want to come down to Kunming and break open a can of IPR whoop-ass?

China not only fakes iPhones… but Apple Stores, too!

China might be known as the home of the fake iPhone, but what about whole stores? Surprising almost no one, China is indeed home to the fake Apple Store. These pictures from BirdAbroad (via IFOAppleStore), show a fake Apple Store complete with everything that a real Apple Store offers. Right down to the blue shirts with Apple logos and name labels for the employees. Starting from the top, this ‘Apple Store’ features a shiny exterior with a big glowing, white Apple front and center.

When you walk into the store, you will be stepping on wood or grey stone floors, depending on the section of the store, and will be surrounded by a showroom filled with iPads, Macs, and more… all on wooden tables. These tables are even equipped with the Apple (patented!) product holders. In fact, these tables are nearly identical, if not identical, to the tables used in Apple’s official stores. These stores went as far as to completely rip off Apple’s official press images – as you can see with the iPad 2 and iPod shuffle banners. Also notice the extremely outdated pink iPod posters.

Making this sound even more unbelievable are the twisted stair cases, accessory and software walls (which are nearly identical to the official ones), an area for children with cushy and fun chairs, and of course what appears to be a mini Genius Bar or a section of the store to take product lessons from employees. The most amazing part is what these employees think of their jobs:

Being the curious types that we are, we struck up some conversation with these salespeople who, hand to God, all genuinely think they work for Apple.

The “bosses” of this fake Apple Store, in Kunming, knowing that they are up to no good, informed their multiple plain clothed security guards to ban all picture taking. The best part is that there are three of these stores all within walking distance of each other. Check out some more pictures after the break that are courtesy of BirdAbroad.

achicod 发表评论于
苹果有自己的店,也支持代理商.不奇怪. achicod***
nathan1977 发表评论于
作者脑袋秀逗了。你和苹果中国确认过了吗? nathan1977***中国各大主要城市都有类似的店,是中国苹果代理人授权的也有可能,12亿人口的中国市场,只设4家店卖东西,你自己想想可能吗?你心理太阴暗了吧,认为中国都是山寨。人家不让你拍照是怕你是山寨的探子才对。
剑吼西风 发表评论于
为中国人自豪! 剑吼西风***
土拨鼠拨土 发表评论于
美加除了apple专门店,其他可以买到apple产品的都是授 土拨鼠拨土***东西买的是真品是最重要的,那你装别人的门面干什么,不就是想骗顾客吗?而且apple的标志也不能随便用罢。楼下的肯定是山寨狂,你怎么不说美加卖apple的地方都山寨apple店。
午夜街灯 发表评论于
这篇作者居心叵测 午夜街灯***国内有很多这样的店,不一定是apple授权开的店,但是他们卖的产品都是apple真品,店家做的“真实”一点,也就是为了吸引顾客吧。美加除了apple专门店,不是也有很多地方可以买到apple产品么。
letshelp 发表评论于
中国真伟大。造假水平比造真的还高多了。 letshelp***全世界唯一有假鸡蛋,假银鱼的伟大国家。
exception1 发表评论于
真苹果没有什么apple store字样的 exception1***这些山寨店画蛇添足了。最后那家故意拼错store的实为明智之举。
民主就是折腾 发表评论于
别神话苹果了 民主就是折腾***数码照片就是JPEG文件,JPEG里面能有什么秘密资料不能抹去的?
korient 发表评论于
yes, it's in Kunming. korient***My parents lives in the building on the second last picture. They brand them as Apple authorized reseller. Have been there many times. there 2 stores like this in Kunming. I couldn't tell if it's really authorized or not, but the products are real..
korient 发表评论于
Should I carry both copies of korient***I'm going back to China with AP, Should I carry both copies of AP or leave 1 copy at home.

Seems the US Customs will keep a copy and stamp 1 copy that returned to you.

Anyone has experiences?

frogdumb 发表评论于
@Kakoku: 请看E文原贴, 在 Apple 官网 frogdumb******birdabroad.wordpress***/2011/07/20/are-you-listening-steve-jobs/

最后一张图, Apple **Stoer**
九叔 发表评论于
To: leothecat , 时间或许可以,经纬度不可能。 九叔***至少,不是所有数码相机都有GPS功能。没有GPS功能,何来经纬度资料?
行运超人 发表评论于
照片是西单大悦城的苹果店 行运超人***
上山打老虎 发表评论于
作者是神经专家,神经专家耶,参加神经研讨会,写神经文章 上山打老虎***
非否 发表评论于
绝 非否***把国人的脸往绝里丢。
kakoku 发表评论于
如何证明这是在昆明? kakoku***看这些照片,明明是在Apple Store嘛。这篇作者居心叵测,请拿出来明显的山寨的证据来
heisse 发表评论于
Amazing heisse***Steve should be proud of it