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Coriolanus]] (star and director Ralph Fiennes

(2023-09-05 22:28:24) 下一个

Was taken off guard by the modern day scenes with the Shakespear play. Read this many years ago but found new appreciation for it. Well done.
A modern day version of ancient Rome, I fucking love it everyone in this beautiful film killed their performance especially Ralph everything was executed perfectly!
Fantastic adaptation. I was pleasantly surprised. Not silly as DiCaprio's Romeo and Juliet. No "sword fights" with pistols.
What an amazing movie.. it’s been over 20 years since I’ve said that sadly.
Once you people can really listen and get over the shaksperrian speak, this is one of the greatest movies made.
“ Who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.”
Who was the Roman general Coriolanus ?? Roman general. Veturia at the Feet of Coriolanus by Gaspare Landi. Gaius Marcius (Caius Martius) Coriolanus (/?k?ri??le?n?s/) was a Roman general who is said to have lived in the 5th century BC. He received his toponymic cognomen "Coriolanus" because of his exceptional valor in a Roman siege of the Volscian city of Corioli. A summary of Shakespeare's Roman war tragedy, Coriolanus. Famine in Rome is causing unrest between the common people and the patricians (the aristocrats of Rome). The people particularly resent the arrogant Caius Martius, son of Volumnia, who makes no secret of the fact that he despises them. The citizens rise up against the patricians, whom they suspect of hoarding corn for themselves. They are rewarded with the creation of two people's representatives, or tribunes, who are given new powers to sit in the Senate. War with the neighbouring Volscians halts the rioting, however, and, in the battle for the town of Corioli, Caius Martius leads the Roman army with such spectacular bravery that he is honoured with the title 'Coriolanus'. BANISHED Back in Rome, the patricians urge Coriolanus to seek the consulship (the highest elected office). Reluctantly, he agrees to make the necessary public display of humility in order to win the favour of the citizens, but once again his inability to mask his contempt turns them against him. Not only do they refuse their approval but, incited by their tribunes, they banish Coriolanus from Rome. In revenge, he joins the Volscians and his former enemy Tullus Aufidius. Together they march on Rome. SPARING OF THE CITY Coriolanus refuses all attempts at conciliation by his former comrades and only through the intervention of his mother, wife and son is he finally persuaded to spare the city. He establishes peace, but is killed by the resentful Volscians. ~~~
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Great job Ralph! Timely ! Has it all; politic, January 6th, Eastern Block, and Putin. Wow
Absolutely brilliant! BR interesting. Watch this.
Mr. Fiennes had Shakespeare inside him when he spoke his words.
Damn, wish I could follow Shakespeare dialogue because the story seems awesome.
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