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亲属移民绿卡的基本种类和申请步骤 ZT

(2010-04-15 13:57:18) 下一个
亲属移民绿卡是指通过某些家庭关系申请绿卡,美国公民或绿卡持有人叫做申请人,等待获得绿卡的人叫做受益人。亲属移民可以分为两大类别。第一种类别可以称作超级优先,没有名额限制,包括三种情况:1. 美国公民的配偶;2. 美国公民的父母(不包括岳父母); 3. 美国公民的未成年未婚子女(21岁以下)。

    第二种类别分为四大类,俗称四类优先(preference),每年大约一共有226,000个名额。第一优先大约有23,400个名额,是指美国公民的成年未婚子女(21岁以上);第二优先大约有114,200个名额,分为两小类:1. 美国绿卡持有人的配偶及未成年未婚子女(21岁以下); 2. 美国绿卡持有人的成年未婚子女(21岁以上)。第三优先大约有23,400个名额,是指美国公民的成年已婚子女(21岁以上);第四优先大约有65,000个名额,是指美国公民的兄弟姐妹。





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陈晚 回复 悄悄话 Brothers and Sisters of US Citizen
What is Family Based Immigration – Fourth Preference (FB-4)?

FB-4 is an immigration visa in INA 203(a)(4). The beneficiary of an approved immigration visa petition is entitled to obtain permanent residence (green card) of the United States. FB-4 is for persons who are brothers and sisters of US citizen.

Who are "Brothers and Sisters" of US citizen under Immigration Law?
• "Brothers and sisters" are those meet the definition of being a child from one or both parents.

• Half-siblings are considered "brothers and sisters" and can petiton for permanent residence for one another.

• Adopted brothers or sisters are considered "brothers and sisters" and can petition for permanent residence for one another if the adoption relationship was formed before they were 16 years old.

• Step brothers or sisters are considered "brothers and sisters" and can petition for permanent residence for one another if the step relationship was formed before they were 18 years old.

• Siblings who have been adopted by another family in accordance with INA section 101(b)(1)(E) is not considered "brothers and sisters" for immigration purpose and so cannot petition for their natural siblings.

How do US citizen apply green card for brothers and sisters?
US citizen should file a petition for his or her brothers and sisters using form I-130 with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

陈晚 回复 悄悄话 亲属移民的名额是 226,000,中国大陆出生的申请者也存在排期的问题。
FB-1 公民之未婚子女 (Sons and Daughters)(名额是 23,400)
FB-2a 绿卡的配偶、不足 21 岁之未婚子女(名额是 114,200 x 77%)
FB-2b 绿卡的 21 岁以上未婚子女(名额是 114,200 x 23%)
FB-3 公民之已婚子女(名额是 23,400)
FB-4 成年公民(21 岁以上)之兄弟姊妹(名额是 65,000)