

买新车必读 (转自 Clarkhoward.com)

(2008-07-15 16:09:22) 下一个
First, go to your bank or credit union and prequalify for a car loan or apply online. That tells you how much car you can afford and what type of monthly payment you will have to budget.

Buy your new car from a no-haggle dealership. In most cases, you'll save money and the process of buying will be faster and easier.

Look at cars when a dealership is closed, so there's no salesperson to pressure you.

The best way to test-drive a car is to rent it for a day or two. It's the ultimate test drive and it's not expensive.

Use the Internet to find out the dealer cost of the vehicle and the options you want.

Start your research with at least two different vehicles in mind. Then check out the price, reliability, and cost to insure each of the cars you're considering.

When you've narrowed the search to one or two vehicles and have the actual dealer cost for each, shop online for instant price quotes.

If you prefer not to buy online, use the online price quotes as a guideline and call the dealers to see if they'll match the price quote.

If you choose to negotiate with a traditional car dealer, be prepared for a difficult process.

When you go into the dealer to sign the paperwork, make sure what is on the purchase agreement is what you've agreed to previously by phone or fax. If it's not the same, do not go through with the deal.

The best way to protect yourself in a dealership is to be willing to walk out.
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色大胆小 回复 悄悄话 There is no why, that is the current rule. But a big change to the rule is coming and nobody knows how it will affect the current scoring system.
茉莉花香 回复 悄悄话 我不太明白查信用的问题。为什么大家讲不能频繁的查信用?还有人说申请ikea或者sears的卡其实会影响信用。why?