101 ways to PRAISE your child

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101 ways to PRAISE your child

“As sunshine is to flowers-so is praise to the hearts of children”

1. Wow

2. Way to go

3. Super

4. You’re special

5. Outstanding

6. Excellent

7. Great

8. Good

9. Neat

10. Well done

11. Remarkable

12. I know you could do it

13. I am proud of you

14. Fantastic

15. Super Star

16. Nice Work

17. Looking Good

18. You’re on top of it

19. Beautiful

20. Now you’re flying

21. You’re catching on

22. Now you’ve got it

23. You’re incredible

24. Bravo

25. You’re fantastic

26. Hooray for you

27. You’re on target

28. You’re on your way

29. How nice

30. How smart

31. Good job

32. That’s incredible

33. Hot dog

34. Dynamite

35. You’re beautiful

36. You’re unique

37. Nothing can stop you now

38. Good for you

39. I like you

40. You’re a winner

41. Remarkable job

42. Beautiful work

43. Spectacular

44. You’re spectacular

45. You’re darling

46. You’re precious

47. Great discovery

48. You’ve discovered the secret

49. You figured it out

50. Fantastic job

51. Hip, hip hooray

52. Bingo

53. Magnificent

54. Marvelous

55. Terrific

56. You’re important

57. Phenomenal

58. You’re sensational

59. Super work

60. Creative job

61. Super job

62. Excellent Job

63. Exceptional performance

64. You’re a real trooper

65. You are responsible

66. You’re exciting

67. You learned it right

68. What an imagination

69. What a good listener

70. You’re fun

71. You’re growing up

72. You tried Hard

73. You care

74. Beautiful sharing

75. Outstanding performance

76. You’re a good friend

77. I trust you

78. You’re important

79. You mean a lot to me

80. You make me happy

81. You belong

82. You’ve got a friend

83. You make me laugh

84. Yu bright me day

85. I respect you

86. You mean the word to me

87. That’s correct

88. You’re a joy

89. You’re a treasure

90. You’re wonderful

91. You’re perfect

92. Awesome

93. A+Job

94. You’re a-OK

95. My buddy

96. You made my day

97. That’s the best

98. A big hug

99. A big kiss

100. I love you

101. Give me a big smile

•  101 ways to PRAISE your child
•  101 Ways to PRAISE your child
•  She Walks in Beauty - Lord Byron
•  徐志摩《再别康桥》
•  弯弯的月亮


Thank you, and have a nice weekend! -子初- 给 子初 发送悄悄话 子初 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2007 postreply 07:32:37

子初, I have learned 101 ways to praise my kids. Thanks. -林贝卡- 给 林贝卡 发送悄悄话 林贝卡 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 03/09/2007 postreply 07:32:08
