新闻标题:她抽着烟 开着4.0的车 说美国女儿是中国雾霾害的

2015-03-01 09:01:43 by tzuuyi

Everyone here lambasted Chinese pollution problem should donate 1/10 of their salary every year for Chinese environment causes. Please state where you donated here and how much. Yeah, you don't have to do that but that just makes your comments so much weaker and useless.

As much as I hated communist government, it does try to alleviate the environment problems recently. This pollution happened to all developing country in the history of mankind. The reason is clear, money or health. You can choose health and still live as poor or you can choose money and live in unhealthy environment. Almost all countries chose money.

The resolution: it is not as easy as you think. It involves, what else, money and time or just money alone. We are not talking about billions. We are talking about Trillions. Tens of Millions of people will lose their jobs right now so they need time to convert to other jobs. The government's strategy to move to service based economy from manufacturing based economy is essential but there will be side effects: Economy will go down a notch and millions of people will face living hardship.