新闻标题:美军司令演讲批中国 观众席跳出解放军少将:我不同意

2023-05-27 02:26:47 by 山龙

山龙 发表评论于 2023-05-27 01:41:22
Admiral Aquilino did not say what the Chinese are claiming he said. The Chinese are twisting his remarks to suit their propaganda purposes.

He stated that we are willing to talk, but that we will take whatever actions necessary to protect and defend free access to the South China Sea.

He also stated that he has two missions: first, to prevent conflict with China if possible; second, if conflict occurs, to defend Taiwan and to win!
Here is a link to the full speech by Admiral Aquilino:

Now you understand why the CCP government does not allow schools to teach English, just to deceive Chinese who can not understand English!