
2023-05-26 14:10:58 by 树没皮怎办

卡尔森说1月6日抗议是和平的。 连共和党的议员都谴责他重写历史。那些议员当时在场,生命受到威胁。
“With regard to the presentation on Fox News last night, I want to associate myself entirely with the opinion of the chief of the Capitol Police about what happened on Jan. 6,” McConnell said Tuesday, adding that in his view, Manger “correctly describes what most of us witnessed firsthand on Jan. 6.”
“It was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that is completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at Capitol thinks,” he added.
Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., told CNN, “To somehow put that in the same category as a permitted peaceful protest is just a lie.”

"I was here," Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana told Politico. "It was not peaceful. It was an abomination. You’re entitled to believe what you want in America, but you can’t resort to violence to try to convince others of your point of view."
“The American people saw what happened on Jan. 6." Utah Sen. Mitt Romney said to reporters. "They’ve seen the people that got injured. They saw the damage to the building. You can’t hide the truth by selectively picking a few minutes out of tapes and saying this is what went on.
"It’s so absurd. It’s nonsense," Romey continued. "It’s a very dangerous thing to do, to suggest that attacking the Capitol of the United States is in any way acceptable and it’s anything other than a serious crime, against democracy and against our country.
"Trying to normalize that behavior is dangerous and disgusting," Romney added.
And Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., told NBC that Carlson’s claims are “bull****.”
"When you see police officers assaulted, all of that ... if you were just a tourist, you should've probably lined up at the visitors' center and came in on an orderly basis,” he said.