评论: 女子亲历马来西亚绑架事件:我们还一起上潜水课(图)

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ziyingl 发表评论于 2014-04-10 07:05:22
什么无知的评论? The incidents you mentioned are fundamentally different from incidents of terroritst attacks which have become much more frequent over the past year in Malaysia and Indonesia. Murders occur in every country, but not frequent terroritst attack and kidnappings that appear to be mostly focus on Chinese tourists in the recent years in Southeast Asia due to political and financial reasons.

If a person is well informed about the political changes in the regions (particularly in the developing and islamic regions) that he or she tends to travel to before making travel plans, he or she can avoid the unnecessary harm.

Surely i feel bad for the victim - a single woman who decided to travel alone to a country which has somewhat become a center of controvesy for quite some time without taking any precautions (staying in a room without a bathroom in a remote area in the resort so that she had to go to public shower in late nights?). I also feel bad for her family who I am sure have worried since the day she left home for such a trip. I hope she comes back safe and sound. Yet it is a warning for those who tend to make irresponsible and negligent decisions just because they want to do whatever they feel like.

nuseng 发表评论于 2014-04-09 19:05:16

To: ziyingl, 为什么要说“为什么还有中国人去马来西亚旅行?尤其在多次kidnapping 及马航事件后?真这么好玩连命都不要。”,你怎么不说,“为什么还有中国人去美国居住?尤其在多次凶杀案后?“。“为什么还有中国人留在中国?尤其在多次砍人事件后?“,你所要做的是为受害者祈福,而不是发表无知的评论。
ParadiseHawaii 发表评论于 2014-04-10 06:22:02
andy0566 发表评论于 2014-04-10 01:00:13
专评 发表评论于 2014-04-09 20:55:31



nuseng 发表评论于 2014-04-09 19:05:16
To: ziyingl, 为什么要说“为什么还有中国人去马来西亚旅行?尤其在多次kidnapping 及马航事件后?真这么好玩连命都不要。”,你怎么不说,“为什么还有中国人去美国居住?尤其在多次凶杀案后?“。“为什么还有中国人留在中国?尤其在多次砍人事件后?“,你所要做的是为受害者祈福,而不是发表无知的评论。
波大才是人. 发表评论于 2014-04-09 18:56:21
ikeller 发表评论于 2014-04-09 18:42:17
ziyingl 发表评论于 2014-04-09 18:33:51
为什么还有中国人去马来西亚旅行?尤其在多次kidnapping 及马航事件后?真这么好玩连命都不要。
笔名已关闭 发表评论于 2014-04-09 18:21:52
狼!!!! 发表评论于 2014-04-09 17:59:29
估计是偶然事件,也希望如此胆,但绝对不是!!!!否则大家应该给“叛军”送个电台,电视之类的了。否则这“判军”担也太大了吧,不说中国,就参与搜救的几个国家也不会就这么完了吧。也不 排除有其他政治势力介入的可能性
iwbh 发表评论于 2014-04-09 17:12:31
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