评论: 川普美女公关大员上庭 抽泣指证前老板:他否认出轨AV女

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樱色 发表评论于 2024-05-05 21:41:49

游泳爱好者 发表评论于 2024-05-05 12:30:35
回密林深处 发表评论于 2024-05-05 11:23:33

本人看过Fox5 news,他们的记者说:
Another bombshell revelation, Hicks recounted a conversation with Trump......
证明川普是知道Michael Cohen给Stormy Daniels付钱的事,可川普一再说他不知道。

密林深处 发表评论于 2024-05-05 11:23:33
游泳爱好者 发表评论于 2024-05-05 10:07:55
Sweetliquid 发表评论于 2024-05-05 10:26:00
游泳爱好者 发表评论于 2024-05-05 10:25:34


周四对基思·戴维森(Keith Davidson)的检查中的一个关键时刻就证明了这一点。 戴维森是一名律师,曾代表凯伦·麦克杜格尔和斯托米·丹尼尔斯,因为他们的封口费是与特朗普前律师迈克尔·科恩协商支付的——据称这些报酬是影响选举计划的一部分。

尽管戴维森只是这部剧中的配角,但他在谈判所谓向丹尼尔斯付款的过程中所扮演的角色,使他成为了重要的证人,陈述了所谓的“抓杀”阴谋的基本事实,并证实了前美国媒体报道的细节 , Inc. 首席执行官兼国家询问报出版商 David Pecker 成立,科恩最终将作证。

也许戴维森早上作证时最戏剧性的时刻是当他被问及 2016 年选举之夜与迪伦·霍华德(《国家询问报》前编辑,帮助促成该报道的谈判)的短信交流时。 检方要求戴维森解释他当晚发给霍华德的短信的含义。 当特朗普即将举行大选时,戴维森给霍华德发短信询问:“我们做了什么?”

戴维森证词的惊人之处在于它可能已经实现了这一目的。 因此,即使不需要证明改变获胜者的计划有效,提醒陪审团以及法庭上的我们所有人这种可能性也极大地强调了被指控的罪行的一个关键要素。

检方不断想方设法告诉陪审员,他们花了几周的时间来权衡一个并非微不足道的问题,但对我们的选举和民主的诚实至关重要。 我们将看看他们最终做出裁决时是否同意。
游泳爱好者 发表评论于 2024-05-05 10:24:16
这是关于五月二日的另一个证人Keith Davidson:

In Donald Trump’s Manhattan election interference trial, the case is coming in better than expected, and that is ominous for the former president.

A key moment in Thursday’s examination of Keith Davidson illustrated that. Davidson is an attorney who represented both Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels as their hush money payments were negotiated with former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen — payoffs alleged to have been part of the election influence scheme.

Although Davidson is just a supporting actor in this drama, his role in negotiating the alleged payment to Daniels makes him an important witness to lay down the basic facts of the alleged “catch and kill” plot — and to corroborate the details that former American Media, Inc. CEO and National Enquirer publisher David Pecker established and Cohen will ultimately testify about.

Perhaps the most dramatic moment of Davidson’s morning testimony came when he was asked about an election night 2016 text message exchange with Dylan Howard — a former editor of the National Enquirer who helped broker the negotiations for the story. The prosecution asked Davidson to explain the meaning of a text he had sent to Howard that evening. As the election was about to be called for Trump, Davidson sent a text to Howard asking, “What have we done?”

What was striking about Davidson’s testimony is that it might have achieved that purpose. So even if proving that the scheme to change the winner worked is not required, reminding the jury — and all of us in the courtroom — of the possibility dramatically underlined a key element of the alleged offense.

The prosecution is constantly finding ways to tell jurors that they are giving weeks of their life to weigh a matter that is not trivial, but critical for the honesty of our elections and our democracy. We will see if they agree when they ultimately deliver their verdict.
莫言无语 发表评论于 2024-05-05 10:11:07
游泳爱好者 发表评论于 2024-05-05 10:10:56
Another devastating blow came at the very end of Hicks’ direct testimony when she revealed a stunning trifecta: that, while president, Trump had admitted to her that he knew his then-fixer Michael Cohen had paid Daniels, that Trump attempted to blame Cohen and that Hicks did not believe him. She also stated that Trump felt it was better to be dealing with it after the election than beforehand. She appeared so distraught — presumably about throwing her former boss under the bus — that she then began crying.

希克斯的直接证词最后带来了另一个毁灭性的打击,她透露了令人震惊的三连胜:在担任总统期间,特朗普向她承认,他知道当时的经纪人迈克尔·科恩付给了丹尼尔斯,特朗普试图责怪科恩和丹尼尔斯。 希克斯不相信他。 她还表示,特朗普认为在选举后处理这个问题比选举前更好。 她看起来非常心烦意乱——大概是要把她的前老板扔到公共汽车下——然后她开始哭泣。
游泳爱好者 发表评论于 2024-05-05 10:07:55

Opinion: Hope Hicks’ testimony was a nightmare for Trump

Opinion: How one text exchange gave Trump an ominous day in court

ztgp3614 发表评论于 2024-05-05 09:42:00
侃就侃一侃吧 发表评论于 2024-05-05 09:33:23

Idado 发表评论于 2024-05-05 09:32:00
小毛er 发表评论于 2024-05-05 09:23:33
渤海 发表评论于 2024-05-05 09:20:46
".. 儘管外界一度认为,希克斯将“爆大镬”,惟她在庭上并未透露对川普特别不利的证供。"..
侃就侃一侃吧 发表评论于 2024-05-05 09:07:44
令胡冲 发表评论于 2024-05-05 08:52:27


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