文章来源: 贾平凸2020-10-15 22:49:39


你知道川普支持Prive Prison吗?

你知道拜登反对Defund Police吗?

你知道川普反对Net Neutrality吗?



这些政策立场的细节,是我们投票前最应该考虑的。Set aside the demonization of each candidate based on vague corruptions and taxes rumors that aren't likely to resolve before the election day. 即使我们最后必须由一个 moron 或 gaffe 当总统,美国仍然会继续。

现在介绍一个非常好的政策比较网站:https://2020election.procon.org/  由老牌百科全书出版社 Encyclopedia Britannica 出品。做一个真正了解候选人的选民就足够了。你不必同意我,我不必同意你。Let's all read these information thoroughly and decide our votes carefully。Because, this election will shape not only how we live the next few years before we retire, but also our children will live for the beginning 10 years of their adult life。