宗教与绘画-30:圣母升天(Assumption and Coronation of Mary)
文章来源: 木有文化2022-02-11 08:30:39

在天主教和东正教的教义中,圣母玛利亚(Mary, mother of Jesus)死后,她的灵魂和肉身一同被上升到天堂。有一个小区别是,天主教认为玛利亚在死的同时,立刻就升天了。而东正教认为,她的灵魂是立刻升天的,但她的肉身是在死后第三天才被天堂接受。

还有一个教义上的细节,耶稣的升天英文叫 Ascension,玛利亚的升天英文叫 Assumption。Ascension 这个词是主动语态,代表着耶稣是凭借(被)自己的力量升到天上。Assumption 有被动语态含义,指的是玛利亚死后,被圣父圣子圣灵接到天堂。

Assumption of the Virgin, 1517, by Rosso Fiorentino (1494–1540), Basilica of the Annunciation of Mary
Assumption of Mary, 1516-1518, by Titian (1490–1576), Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
Assumption of Mary, c.1590, by Annibale Carracci (1560–1609), Museo del Prado, Spain
The Assumption of the Virgin, 1670, by Bartolome Esteban Murillo (1617-1682)
The Assumption Of The Virgin, by Jacopo Amigoni (Italian, 1682 – 1752)
The Assumption of the Virgin (c. 1816 – 1819), by Pierre-Paul Prud’hon (French, 1758-1823)

最后,耶稣,或者是耶稣/天父/圣灵一起,给玛利亚戴上王冠。这一幕被称作圣母加冕(Coronation of the Virgin)。

Marienkrönung (Coronation of the Virgin Mary), c.1437, by Fra Angelico (circa 1395 –1455)
Coronation of the Virgin, 1502-1504, by Raphael (1483–1520), Vatican Museum
The Coronation of the Virgin, 1597, by El Greco (1541–1614)