Stop the coming war (7)----How things work in other dimension
文章来源: 北美汤哥2021-01-04 18:31:18

2020年1月1日 洛杉矶

Writing a story like real, then I spread the information and won't rewrite the future! 一个绝妙的主意。



我知道2020年将是不平凡的一年,无数的事情都会在这一年发生,但我只是一个人微言轻的普通旁观者,Rewrite the future? No, that's not my job. 这不是我的世界,这个世界也与我无关,我暗暗想着。

"Hundreds of protesters have smashed windows, set fire to outbuildings and overturned vehicles outside the US Embassy in Baghdad.

US airstrikes earlier in the week, and Tuesday's embassy attack, have created new tensions between allies Washington and Baghdad, with Iraqi police and soldiers among those killed and wounded in the strikes.

They come at a time of unrest as mass protests across Iraq challenge the nation's precarious government." 

CNN Dec 31 2019