我在邻里网站Next Door上的大战
文章来源: 钱百万2020-10-25 11:33:48



No hurry, many people want to see more evidences about Biden & his family's corruption. More evidences will come out at 23th,why not just wait two more days?


于是第一个老太太又贴出一个长贴,说美国的贫富差距巨大,富人们毫不关心穷人,所以必须让民主党上台。资本主义对任何国家都不好,民主党是要social program,不是socilism。现在1%富人垄断了巨大的财富,我们还像是在实行君主制(她确实这么说的,我对她的认知有点震惊)。必须用法律把所有的钱管理起来,实行公平的工资和福利。人人应该享有同样的Health care。不能让大公司摧毁环境。现在富人正在阻碍人民去投票,他们正在摧毁民主。因为他们不爱国,他们的上帝就是钱。


CCP and Soviet also said it is just a social program before they got regime, they said something exactly same to what you said。

Socialism is not so beautiful although socilists alway use most beautiful words to promote it. I probably know the differences of two systems better than you as I stayed in that kind of country more than 25 years, and stay in USA more than 25 years too.

I know what happened in a socialist country, it is not like you imagined.  Terminating globalism will take jobs back, solve the problems you mentioned. socialism or social program is a wrong way to go, it definitely will ruin a country. But history is always repeated, God bless America, do not be stupid.

I fled socialism, I fled a corrupted country. In socialist country, everybody will be dirty poor except the corrupted officers.Corrupted person can not be a president!  

It is my two cents.

我是有意识的将她们说的social program及socialism捆绑在一起,别玩文字游戏。后来两个白左继续很激动地和我吵,我不再回复他们。其他人有的只是说一句:”我喜欢资本主义“。但是给我点赞的是给他们点赞的一倍以上。我们这儿是红州中的深蓝县。
