文章来源: 魏薇2022-01-23 05:27:17

经过狗狗公园后,继续在一段右侧与树林为邻的土质健行道上前行,在路的尽头向右拐,就到了天地亭园区。每当我的双足踏上这块土地,我就有种不一样的感觉。黑色的弯延柏油路,路边参天的大树,深棕色的凉亭,使得我每每行走在这段路上时,总有种身处自然山水寺庙间的感觉。 这里除了宁静,清幽外还透着一种身在东方林中寺庙才有的禅意:玄静,空灵。 身在此处,我自然就感到灵魂的升华,没有了俗事的牵绊,只想与空气,树木,天空,大地,凉亭对话。


Passing the XXX Park, Keeping walking along a dirt side walk beside a small woods, at the end of the woods, having a right turn, you will get to pavilion Area. Every time when my feet hit the road in this Area, a special feeling would rise from my heart. It’s a place make me feel oriental Buddhism. Here I will temporarily lose the sense of my physical body, my soul will communicate with the natural surroundings.  


  1. XXX Pavilion Area.

The Area is in between two small areas of woods. The spirit of the Area is the pavilion. Since one of the woods is accessible for recreation, I define that woods part of the Area. A black asphalt windingly divides the pavilion area and the woods area. For executing the maintenance work, the road is designed wide enough for the passing of two big trucks at the same time.



 The xxx pavilion is a dark brown wood building somehow brings me a sense of Japanese architecture. After comparing the pavilion with traditional Japanese pavilions, I knew where the sense came from. Some of the features from xxx Pavilion are applicable to the features of Traditional Japanese buildings. Like the dark brown color, the all wood constructure, etc.


Besides these, it’s the relationship between the pavilion and nature. Japanese home and building are seen as one with nature, all a part of the environment., there is no push or pull. Here I have seen the same idea, I feel the mutual understanding between the pavilion and the natural surroundings.  

All in all, whenever I saw the xxx pavilion in distance, I just felt it look like a Japanese temple. 

   The pavilion can be reserved for private parties. There are deluxe tables     which made from plain sawn lumbers under the roof of pavilion, on the  adjoining lawn, there stand more tables and a couple of park grills.  

The woods is a place for woods adverturers.  In it there are varied challenging wooden facilities for fun and exercising. Besides two main trails, there are a handful of narrow small winding paths scattering in the woods, from which you can experience getting lost in the woods with excitement, but without being scared.

对园区各园逐一体会后发现,整个园区就是英式和日式园林结合的产物。 从镇上的公共和私人建筑中我看到了日本园林文化对西方园林文化的影响,此公园只是我这一印象的又一证实。




The English landscape garden, also called English landscape park or simply the English garden is a style of "landscape" garden which emerged in England in the early 18th century, and spread across Europe, replacing the more formal, symmetrical French formal garden which had emerged in the 17th century as the principal gardening style of Europe.  The English garden presented an idealized view of nature. Created and pioneered by William Kent and others, the “informal” garden style originated as a revolt against the architectural garden and drew inspiration from paintings of landscapes by Salvator RosaClaude Lorrain, and Nicolas Poussin. 


 The English garden usually included a lake, sweeps of gently rolling lawns set against groves of trees, and recreations of classical temples, Gothic ruins, bridges, and other picturesque architecture, designed to recreate an idyllic pastoral landscape. The work of Lancelot "Capability" Brown was particularly influential. By the end of the 18th century the English garden was being imitated by the French landscape garden, and as far away as St. Petersburg, Russia, in Pavlovsk, the gardens of the future Emperor Paul. It also had a major influence on the form of the public parks and gardens which appeared around the world in the 19th century. 


In Japanese culture, all life has meaning and value, which is illustrated in their respect for nature. They strive to work I harmony with their natural surroundings, as opposed to tame it.  In recent years, as contemporary architects and designers push towards a new generation of circular and sustainable design, Japanese traditional architecture has become a crucial point of inspiration and wisdom.



