8/24 学写英文
文章来源: 魏薇2021-08-24 09:19:42

Fall school season will start in one week,  the first day of going back to school will be a big thing for both the students and the parents, me and my son are not exception.


But talking about going back to school, we hold a different feeling.  I am 100% happy about it. He is not. “Contradiction” should be the right word to express his feeling. On one hand, he doesn’t want school re-opening, since he wants to play video games with his game friends located in different areas in the nation, even in other countries. On the other hand, he wants to, since he knows he needs to learn academy in school. Comparing playing game at home with studying academy in school, he knows the later is way more important.


Since he could spend hours a day in front of screen,  I have been worrying about if he has an addiction to video game. We had conversations about this for a few times, the first one should be two years ago, then last year, till to this year, to yesterday.  


Besides the topic about playing game, we have other conversations on different topics. Sometimes I feel I was playing a role as a counselor to him. I saw how peaceful his facial expression and how calm his voice is, how smoothly the conversion goes, a wave of pride would rise from my heart.


Through these conversations, I helped him adjust some concepts he hold in his mind which he thinks them reasonable, or logical. I told him I understand what he thinks, but the society is composed with people, you have to think the feeling of the person you are interacting with. With this in your mind, you will show your politeness by using the better words, adapting better manners, then they will be willing to help. I want to tell you some basic rules people agree and appreciate as part of the culture. In the conversation, he can strengthen his correct cognition by speaking them out and get support from me.


As a result, I benefited from these conversations too , they diminished my worries and made me have confidence about him and reassure my way in raising him, thinking he will be fine in the future. I believe he has self-recognition and has a good sense of balancing. Since in yesterday’s conversation, he told me” mom, I like playing game, I stayed late now since there is no school, but I will not do it in school season, I will only stay late on Friday and Saturday nights since I need enough sleep for next day in school.”


he knows knowledge will bring him a middle-class life, a life not have to struggle if he should spend money on stuffs he likes or his family likes, if he should have dinners with his families or friends in nice restaurants ; if he can afford the expense on vacation...  


这段时间,儿子参加了一个无人机飞行俱乐部。俱乐部的组织者是JACK---一位七八十岁的退休电子工程师。这是个兴趣组织,同小孩以前参加过的FIRST LEGO机器人俱乐部不同,这个俱乐部没有规律的活动时间,也没有教授人员。俱乐部可以说是免费的,成员所付的费用只是用于支付付给镇上的场地使用费。听说40来名成员,年龄从15岁到90岁。


儿子在网上买了自建无人机所需的配件,摆弄了两三天后,告诉我他需要帮助。于是我联系了JACK, 老先生说可以来家给他指导了一次。来之前,我说我打了两针疫苗,小孩打过一个疫苗,到时候可以坐在阳台上。他回说没问题。等他来时,我戴了口罩,他站在门外,没戴口罩。他说如果我介意,他就戴口罩,不然的话,他就不戴。我说没关系。进来后,问了他疫苗情况,他说他不但打了疫苗,而且得过新冠,是双重保护。大部份时间,他们都在阳台,后来进屋进行电脑上的操作时,儿子没戴口罩。我想让他戴,被他拒绝了,大概是他觉得那样感觉有些怪。其实我也有怪的感觉,所以在室内和JACK谈话时也没戴口罩,不过保持着一米多的距离。过后,我确实有些担心。不过这几天都没觉有事,小孩也没事。


最后大部份都弄好了,就是遥控器无法与飞机建立连接。JACK走时,给小孩布置了自学的作业,让他在网上自学相关知识。说”这东西很复杂,你要自己把理论先学清楚,想办法把摇控器与飞机连起来。“ 三天过后,孩子还是没弄成。最后我打电话告诉JACK,JACK让孩子把他所买的无人机,及电池的机型告诉他,他好做些研究。最后他来信说,他找到原因,是因为小孩买的电池功率不够大。他说他有一个大功率的电池,可以先拿来借给儿子用,但最终若要能加比赛,需要买自己的电池。





今天问他原因,他说了“感叹号在他们年轻人看来显得很傻,很装。每当我和朋友间相互搞笑时,就会在文字后加感叹号。。。"  原来是这样,十几岁还是纯真的年代。”不过,很多时候人们就是喜欢那种感叹号带来的感觉,不管它是否真实。"青春期的孩子真是特别,怎么不记得我经历过了这样的青春期呢?