8/19随笔: 今日所见---水漫金山
文章来源: 魏薇2021-08-19 18:56:07


After a busy morning, it turned into be a quiet afternoon. The flood water receded, but left thousands of residential house and business building out of power. In some area, the flood water poured into roads and damaged the basements.


I was driving to home when I heard the weather brief from radio. I knew exactly what it described. I saw with my own eyes how the flood water changed a small stream into a river! The scene was dramatically impressive and scary!


I am a good sleeper, in my memory, I have never been woken up by heavy rain, thunder, or other loud sounds at midnight during sleep. This morning when I opened my eyes, through the double-pane window I heard the sound from constant dripping water. It is raining!


 It didn’t rain for a while, the last rain should be a month ago. so I was happy about the rain. Furthermore, I don’t need to work today. In a raining day, no matter what I do, reading, writing , cleaning, or just running around in the house will make me feel especially good.


Standing on the deck, I listened the rain and appreciated my back yard. The rain was not heavy, not light, but medium, perfect in my eyes. To my surprise, a brook came into my sight. The water from rain formed a small brook in my back yard! I have never saw this in the past five years since I moved in. The green grass in the water looked vibrant and elegant. Observing the bubbles forming and disappearing among the grass in the crystal clear water was really a romantic and fun thing. I started wishing the brook would stay here all the time., then I would stand on my deck to appreciate the beauty of water everyday!











I drive by the hill everyday, at the bottom of the hill, there is a stream, in winter and early spring, the water is very low, people can’t find the stream until they stand on the stream shore. In other seasons, the water is abundant, but the stream shores are filled up with vibrant bushes and gorgeous wild flowers which forming into plant fences along the shores. so the stream is invisible unless you stand along the shores, the sound of flowing water will bring you to take a look at what is behind the fence.


But now, in front of my eyes, there was a big river, a river with yellow-brown water! The border of the river was only 3-4 meters away from main road! The bottom part of the hill in one side, along with part of lawn on another side were all under water, the bushes swaying in the middle of the water made me think about people who are asking for help in despair .





让我惊奇的是学校的大门上没有“入内需戴口罩“的提示,门也没有上锁,可以自由出入。我戴上口罩走了进去,往办公室走。走到办公室门口时,里面走出一位女教师,她没戴口罩。看来学校老师们是准备好与病毒共存了。再想想前两天去TRADER JOE’S 买东西时所见:原本收银台处的防护板全都拆除了,顾客和收银员直接面对面,收银员有戴口罩的,也有不戴口罩的,但顾客大都戴口罩。尽管当前因为DELTA 变异病毒,导致感染数字再度走高,但人们似乎已经准备好,要过基本正常的生活了。


继续听收音机,主持人采访一位曾经在阿富汗喀布尔生活过一段时间,出过两本有关阿富汗问题的书,同时也是NEW YORK TIMES 专栏作者。他说到了塔利班的SWEEPING VICTORY, 说到了阿政府军的CORRUPTION问题,说到了当前喀布尔只有机场和使领馆是安全的,人们要逃到机场基本上就有救了,但要到达机场又是相当困难的。一想到那一对年轻的兄弟,就无比难过,他们只比我儿子大一两岁,为了逃离阿富汗,竟然不惜用生命一搏,还有那许许多多对塔利班重新执政而心怀恐惧的人。这次拜登政府的作为真是让我们这些普通人都想不通:为什么不先把人撤了,再撤军呢?拜登民调,支持率暴跌,也在情理之中。年纪大了,还是在家养老的好。