文章来源: 魏薇2021-03-08 05:01:58







Last Saturday we had beltfish, “do you know why Chinese like cooking a whole big fish for their New Year Eve feast?” “ Why?” “because the pronunciation of FISH in Chinese is exactly same as another Chinese word”余“, you should know this word, it means abundance, having extra,。FISH is a symbol of fortune, the bigger ,the better. “

“I see. I know how to write that word” He said with a smily face.

“The juice is “晶莹剔透“,after having a big mouth of cranberry juice, he said.

“wow, you surprised me by using this idiom.! How to explain this idiom in English?” I asked, trying to be a language teacher.


“Good, also transparent or crystal”


“Do you still remember these poems?” 春晓, 山行,望庐山瀑布…for me,  these poems I learned 40 years ago are not forgettable. for him, I am not sure, even he learned them 8 years ago.  He did remember, we recited together. It’s nice and fun. If a painter was with us, I will suggest him/her painting for us. Happiness and harmony will be the theme of the painting.



Sunday I had a conversation about the beltfish with my families in China. “it is the first time I saw such fresh and big beltfish. In my memory, there is no such thing of fresh beltfish. “3.99/lbs, the price is much lower than I predicted. They should cost more. “ I said. “

“Reasonable price” said my sister, ” Pre-frozen big beltfish was sold at RMB49.99斤in a supermarket of my neighborhood. “


"I think it a little bit pricy. “ I expressed my comment . “Beltfish is not a popular fish, or even not an edible fish for Americans, most likely it is the reason for the good price. I never saw them in American food markets. I think the bone of beltfish let Americans remove them from their tables. Whole fish is not popular in US. most people buy fish  fillets. I think forks and knives are not functional to have whole fish, at least it's one of the reasons.