文章来源: 魏薇2021-03-12 04:44:02


清晨从47F,薄雾轻绕,略带雨意开始。氧象预报说今天内陆最高温度在60-70F, 沿海温度在50F. 这是今年以来气温最高的一天,高于正常早春的氧温。这样的天氧还将持续明天一天,周末温度将再度走低,而下周一又将迎来一场雪。如此波动的天氧,真如最近的股市。


11点出门,仔细看了看门口的几株枫树。四散的细枝上已经结出了绿豆样的苞蕾。想着昨日所见的另一种开花枫、那株BASEBALL FIELD旁,远望呈现出点阵样枣红色的吉野樱、那片隐于林后,现于草场边的红茎灌木,心想:三月头两周开始,灰棕褐色的世界里开始加入了枣红色。枣红色,这是此地春天来临前的色彩,暗哑沉静;黄色,则是喧告此地春天到来的色彩,明快亮丽。




It started with a misty morning with temperature of 47F. “The inland temperature will climb to 60-70F and the seashore will be 50F”, later I heard the weather forecast announced. There are many ways of English learning, I like listening radio and think it a good way to learn, better than watching TV. After I got this point, I understood why there are only CDs but not DVDs for OXFORD Reading Tree. Usually pictures in videos will distract people’s moment thinking.


OXFORD Reading Tree is a collection of  31 books. it is the most succesful English reading scheme for English learners. it has helped a lot of children in the world learn English with enthusiasm and joyness. My son likes the stories in those books.  Every night, he slept with the company of the stories in those books read by me. those stories are about love, sympathy, diversity, religion, tradition, culture, school activities, entertainments, community…not only language, but also UK’s culture the readers will acquire from those books. It happened 10 years ago, but the scenes came back to me often and clearly. Time goes by fast, Now he has grown into a teen and I am aging to a middle-age woman. He is not that little boy laughing all day long, I am not that woman with gorgeous lavish hairs. It’s good and bad, it's the way it is, nobody can stop it no matter you like it or not.


下面是我的一段英译中文,英文段选自WALDEN POND

As I sit at my window this summer afternoon, hawks are circling about my clearing; the tantivy of wild pigeons, flying by twos and threes athwart my view, or perching restless on the white-pine boughs behind my house, gives a voice to the air; a fishhawk dimples the glassy surface of the pond and brings up a fish; a mink steals out of the marsh before my door and seizes a frog by the shore; the sedge is bending under the weight of the reed-birds flitting hither and thither; and for the last half hour I have heard the rattle of railroad cars, now dying away and then reviving like the beat of a partridge, conveying travellers from Boston to the country.  

夏天的一个午后,我坐在窗边, 苍鹰在我清理物周边盘旋;三三两两的野鸽子时而在我的视线中疾速掠过,时而不安份地栖于我房后的一棵树上,对着天空发出一声鸣叫; 池塘里有一只鱼鹰,它的长嘴快速插清亮如镜的水面,再出来时,它的口中已街着一条鱼; 一只水獭从我门前的沼泽边上抓了一只青蛙;sedge被来回掠过的食米鸟压弯了腰。最后半小时,我听到了铁轨上汽车的喀啷声。车子载着从波士顿去往全国的旅者,那声音时而走了, 时而又重现了, 就像鹧鸪的敲打声。