文章来源: 暖冬cool夏2020-07-03 21:14:58

2010年出版的全美畅销书Aftershock--the Next Economy & America's Future,主要阐述的是如何重振2008年经济大衰退后的低迷。十年后的今天再读,依然发人深省。更为神奇的是,十年前预言的2020年可能发生的事,现在正在发生,作者纵观近一个世纪的经济发展,分析清晰明了,见解深入,是一本非常值得一读的书。

作者Robert B.Reich是美国加州伯克利大学公共政策学的教授,是个社会经济政策专家,经济学家。此人其貌不扬,只有1米五二的身高,是个犹太人。他曾经担任二十二届(1993-1997)美国劳工部长,就任奥巴马任职间的经济过渡转型顾问。

书中,作者把美国现代资本主义分成三大段。第一段,1870年至1929年,财富的渐渐集中; 第二段,1947年至1975年,繁荣共享; 第三段,1980年至2010年,财富加速集中,越来越集中在少数富人手里。20世纪70年代,最顶层的1%富人,掌握的是全国大约9%不到的收入,而到2007年,这个数字增加到23.5%,有人将这1%在1913年到2007年间的比例变化,画了一张数据图,最富1%的比例在1928年和2009年均达到最高点23%,形成两个有如山峰一样的曲线,而在此区间的近八十年则如一条长长的峡谷,自1928后开始慢慢递减,然后又在1978年后缓慢上升,最低点的1978年比例是8-9%。 耐人寻味的是两个高点之后迎来的是1929年的经济大萧条,和2008年的经济大衰退。

美国是一个以消费为主的消费国,经济的发展是以消费做主要支撑的。财富的集中、中产阶级收入和购买力的日益下降,会导致社会产能过剩和经济逐步下滑。为阻止这种现象的发生,自20世纪70年代后期,美国中产阶级利用三大处理机制,持续着这表面的繁荣。这三种机制分别是: 1.妇女走入职场,家庭由原先的单个收入变化成双份收入,夫妻两人共同承担家庭经济负担。2. 增加工作时间,加班,越来越多的人同时从事两份甚至三份工作。据统计,到二十一世纪,一个典型美国人一年工作2200多小时,比欧洲工人一年平均工作时间多出350个小时,比1979年普通美国家庭一年要多出500多个工作时。3. 储蓄减少,借钱消费。一个美国人掏出的钱包里鼓鼓囊囊的都是信用卡,而房价的飞涨又给了需要用钱的美国人借钱的去处,抵押贷款,房子成了自动取款机。这种无节制的借贷让美国人税后收入的债务比例(即债务对比税后收入)渐渐上升,从上个世纪六十年代的55%增加到2007年138%。



作者在第二部分第一章里想象性地描述了2020年十一月选举的一幅画面。一个独立于民主党和共和党之外的"独立党"脱颖而出,他们的主张非常明确: 非法移民的零容忍; 冻结拉美、亚洲、非洲的合法移民; 对所有进口产品提高关税; 禁止美国公司外迁国外或外包; 禁止外国资金投资美国市场; 美国从联合国、世界贸易、世界银行和国际货币基金撤出; 拒付中国债券的利息, 拖欠款项; 终止与中国贸易,除非中国让货币自由浮动等等。并提出,为平衡政府的预算,支付国防,保护边境,减低国债,对个人收入超过50万的部分,征收 100%税率,25万以上的征收80%税率等。作者还模拟了胜选总统的演讲,向民众大声呼吁,"向政客讨回自由,向外国人夺回工作,这是我们的国家,This is our nation, now!,America is Americans! 美国是美国人的!"

作者十年前上述的这些画面今日看来是不是有几分熟悉?虽然这个"独立党"尚没有出现,而反移民,反贸易,反全球化,却是这些年一直在推行的,目的不外乎想解决美国国内的问题,转嫁矛盾,找替罪羊。他们好像忘了移民对美国经济的贡献和作用,忘了这些年来,美国人民能享受物质物廉价美的产品正是源于贸易。更重要的是,这些举措能拯救美国吗? 能使美国再次强盛吗?

作者在书的最后一部分讨论了问题的症结,指出,要解决问题的关键是提高中产阶级的购买力,增加富人的税收,消除贫富差距。历史上对富人的税率曾高达70%-90%以上,而自1987年以来,这个税率却一直在40%(25%-39%)以下,很多有钱人的税率只有15%,因为他们收入主要来源是capital gain。增加富人税收,以此加大教育力度,增加中产阶级职业培训等,以求从根本改变现状。这种做法并非"杀肥牛" ("kill the cow") ,并非罗宾汉似的均贫富、杀富济贫( a Robin Hood-like redistribution),而只是把原来太倾向于富人的天平摆正一点,让大家在一个平等的机制中竞争,从而消除贫富差距,避免头重脚轻的财富聚集造成政治变革,社会动乱。




Aftershock—The Next Economy & America’s Future


The economic game was not played on a level field. It was tilted in favor of those with the most wealth and power.

For Eccles, widening inequality was the main culprit.

From it (the Great Recession) will emerge either a political backlash—against trade, immigration, foreign investment, big business, Wall Street, and government itself—or large-scale reforms that reverse the underlying trend.

Happiness diminishes rapidly after the first flush of acquisitive excitement. The second piece of pie never tastes quite as good as the first.

The feared collapse never came.

Pent-up demand/anger

Decorously dubbed it


None of us could prosper unless prosperity was widely shared.

Stumbling over my words,

Reach the pinnacle of power

From you-can-count-on-it pensions to do-it-yourself 401K.

The argument is bunk. It equates the stock market with the economy, and turns a blind eye to the revocation of the basic bargain.

Many American wallets bulged with dozens of cards, all amassing larger and larger debt loads.

Trumpet the fact

Absent their spending, companies have less incentive to buy new equipment…

Creating a great gush of new jobs

Cerebral cortex of our national consciousness


Virtuous/vicious cycle

Immigrants who live off our hard work

History teaches us that politics is inextricably bound up with economics

Break the back of inflation/economy

As economy teetered precariously on the edge of a precipice.

According to common stereotypes, the French draw deep satisfaction from good food and wine, the Germans from music, the English from their parks, and American from shopping.

Behavioral research shows that losses are more painful than gains are pleasurable.

Where many people seem to get almost as much satisfaction from paying real money for “virtual” goods—tiny icons representing designer clothes or fancy cars

The (Wall) Street is where the money is, and money buys campaign commercials on television. It is difficult to hold people accountable for bad behavior while simultaneously asking them for money.

It buys his mind.

The point is that a staggering amount of money from big corporations, executives and other wealthy individuals lies like a thick fog over the nation’s capital, enveloping everyone and everything.

Deafening silence

And because politics abhors a vacuum almost as much as nature does

Directed at bringing down the rich than at bringing everyone else up.

Brought the crowd to its feet

Work like mad and enjoy life to the fullest

Became a cauldron of insult and rage

Incendiary speeches

A society riven by resentment is potentially unstable

Whose fire chief succeeds in protecting the biggest office buildings but leaves smaller fires simmering all over town.

Allay their concerns

The lopsidedness not only diminishes economic growth but also tears at the fabric of our society.