文章来源: workforwal2019-10-14 21:00:06



笔者对美国毒品泛滥深恶痛绝。一年前在美国公司工作时,深知毒品对一线工人的严重影响,工场call in 多,很多都与吸毒有关。十几年前招工还要过Drug Test 这一关,后来招不到工人,除了要害部位,一般工作就免了这一关。我曾亲眼见到在工场吸食毒品后用刀砍下自己的手臂还面带微笑的英雄气概。


美国毒品源于六,七十年代的嘻皮士运动,其中最得力干将是哈佛大学心理学教授Timothy Leary. 


Leary believed that LSD showed potential for therapeutic use in psychiatry. He used LSD himself and developed a philosophy of mind expansion and personal truth through LSD.After leaving Harvard, he continued to publicly promote the use of psychedelic drugs and became a well-known figure of the counterculture of the 1960s. He popularized catchphrases that promoted his philosophy, such as "turn on, tune in, drop out", "set and setting", and "think for yourself and question authority". He also wrote and spoke frequently about transhumanist concepts involving space migration, intelligence increase, and life extension and developed the eight-circuit model of consciousness in his book Exo-Psychology (1977). He gave lectures, occasionally billing himself as a "performing philosopher".

During the 1960s and 1970s, he was arrested often enough to see the inside of 36 prisons worldwide.President Richard Nixon once described Leary as "the most dangerous man in America".


七十年代尼克松总统宣布了美国第一场对毒品的战争,尼克松宣战时指出:“Timothy Leary 是美国最危险的人!"五十多年过去了,美国的毒品越演越烈。现在吸食大麻已经在很多州合法了,并不是因为人们不知道大麻是毒品,而是因为法不治众,如果将吸食大麻毒品的都抓进监狱,很多工厂只有关门大吉。


毒品与性最初在美国的大学流行开来,曾经在加州伯克利大学,哈佛大学任教的Timothy Leary 功不可没,他以身作则前后与六位女生同居,进驻过全世界三十六所监狱。但是,他的思想与观念至今深刻影响着美国社会。候塞因.奥巴马欣赏他的吸大麻无罪的理论,努力实践。川普总统实践了他的婚姻与性的观念。民主,共和两党的总统都贯彻执行了Timothy新时代有美国特色xxxx思想。



