文章来源: 姜小白2005-05-12 21:44:56

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女:Paris Hilton is a name that's been on everyone's lips these past a
few weeks. Here and now, in exclusive interview with Jimmy Fallon is
Paris Hilton
(掌声欢呼中 Paris Hilton拧着水蛇腰凑到男主持身边)
男:Thank you for coming on
PH:It's nice to be here
男:As we agreed. We won't be discussing the scandale, that's been on
the papers for the past couple of weeks, all right?
PH:Thank you Jimmy I appreciate that
男:Just want to find out about you, Paris Hilton... OK, so your family I
don't know a lot people know the Hiltons owns hotels all over the world right?
PH:Yes they're in New York London Paris
男:Wait so there is a Paris Hilton?
PH:Yes there is
男:Is it hard to get into the Paris Hilton?
PH(做忸捏状):Actually it's a very exclusive hotel, no matter what you heard.
男: I I I heard the Paris Hilton is very beautiful
PH:I'm glad u heard that
男:Do they allow double-occupancy in the hotel?
男:I~I~Is the Paris Hilton roomy?
PH:It might be for you, but most people find out very comfortable
男(低头整理裤裆):I I I'm a VIP all right, I may need to get into the
back entrance
PH:It doesn't matter who you are, it's not going to happen
男:Fair enough fair enough, OK. Now eh I throw a lot of events. Do they
have a ball room there?
PH:We do
男:Great. I love to have my balls held by the Paris Hilton. Great. Sounds
awesome. I like to check in to the Paris Hilton
PH:I don't think you can
男:Really? because I only be able to stay there for a minute and a half,
something like that. Two minutes, tops, I mean.
PH:Good Luck
男:Thank you. Paris Hilton everybody...