评论: 美报社论:美国已分裂 难治理 意识形态两极化(图)

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ShamelessObama 发表评论于 2012-11-08 18:14:12
Of course that is why I didn't vote. But Obama takes money from me to pay for things you guys use, why can't I have an opinion of him? Just so happens I have a strong opinion of him just like many others, which he can't blame Bush for.

发表评论于 2012-11-08 18:10:36To Shameless and 787DL,
If you are not US citizen, US election is none of your business. You don't have rights to vote.
毕凡 发表评论于 2012-11-08 18:13:55
roliepolieolie 发表评论于 2012-11-08 18:11:40
It's promising to see many GOP strategists and influential party members start reckoning right after the defeat at the polls. The GOP house members also took a conciliatory gesture in the aftermath of the Obama re-election. Republican party is quickly becoming an Old White Men's party, which will make it irrelevant given the country is heading to a rainbow kind of population makeup.

This is the power of democracy. The power rests with the voters and political parties have to adapt to the needs of the constituents, or face extinctions.

In the meantime, some pro-GOP Chinese on this forum exhibited weak judgement, and inability to adapt. The train has already left station. You either move along, or will be let behind.
DFW-SUN 发表评论于 2012-11-08 18:10:36
To Shameless and 787DL,
If you are not US citizen, US election is none of your business. You don't have rights to vote.
MantaRay 发表评论于 2012-11-08 18:09:15
To 787DL -

No I don't know who will win in 2016. But I know I am going to take the winner as my president, and celebrate that the democracy wins.

However, Republican party, these days has alienated too many groups - women, blacks, latinos, intellectuals, liberals, teachers, union members, LGBTs, the 47%, etc, etc.. If it doesn't change its strategy, 2016 we might have an even bigger loser. Isn't democracy wonderful?

无奈渔民 发表评论于 2012-11-08 18:08:40
切不说老罗,O8四年实在是可圈可点.虽说他代表的是大多数,执政四年他的经济政策还是在为少数富人继续敛财.说他被布石搞乱的经济绑架也好,说他被泊那克的QE绑架也好.总之他的妥协主意或许连任欲望让他做的不够.布时八年利用政策合法的通过石油涨价把世界财富敛到了他,切尼和几个油亨的腰包.利用大宗商品涨价把美国百姓的腰包榨干.百姓消费能力降低.美国经济从此开始步入衰退.O8当选后理应按他许诺的那样打破泡沫降低油及物价增加百姓购买力从而振兴企业以期达到降低失业率.但他却采用了泊那克的QE123 的饮鸩止渴式刺激方案.到头来联储印的钞票还是通过O8的经济政策敛进了少数人的腰包.给百姓留下的是全方位高物价和政府债务.不破不立O8是否能利用这新的四年兑现他的诺言拭目以待.
787DL 发表评论于 2012-11-08 18:07:59

-- 希特勒也是“选”出来的,绝对的多数。
穿高跟鞋的猫 发表评论于 2012-11-08 18:05:14
美国已分裂 难治理 意识形态两极化 - Legacy of Obama!
2846 发表评论于 2012-11-08 18:04:36
787DL 发表评论于 2012-11-08 18:00:15
"Obama is the president of United States. If you are an US citizen, he is your

-- I am very glad that I am not.
MUST 发表评论于 2012-11-08 17:58:33
DFW-SUN 发表评论于 2012-11-08 17:55:35
To 787DL,
Obama is the president of United States. If you are an US citizen, he is your president!
newsbbs 发表评论于 2012-11-08 17:53:26
DFW-SUN 发表评论于 2012-11-08 17:51:51
To Kitday
"美国人越来越没有优越感了"。 美国人凭什么有优越感?Everyone is equal!
ShamelessObama 发表评论于 2012-11-08 17:50:21
Yes, Obama won. But you also need to deal with the fact that he didn't win with a majority of the population, and the fact that most of the people who voted for Romney dislike Obama with PASSION. That is just the reality.
787DL 发表评论于 2012-11-08 17:48:21
O8 is not my "president" -- yours, but only for 4 years.
btw, who knows who's the Loser eventually? do you?

mantaRay 发表评论于 2012-11-08 17:42:09
kitday, 787DL, and cu29 -

Dudes, your guy lost. You can keep whining, make yourselves a batch of pathetic losers, or you can learn from your guy - lost in style - congratulate your re-elected president.

kitday 发表评论于 2012-11-08 17:10:21




highperformance 发表评论于 2012-11-08 17:09:39

787DL 发表评论于 2012-11-08 17:02:23
highperformance, 嘴干净点.
cu29 发表评论于 2012-11-08 16:53:23
Obama is a incompetent and inept leader. Regan and Clinton both had the other party in the capitol and still managed to get things done. Obama had total control and all we got was Obama care. Real leaders do what is needed to get results. They don't blame they get it done.

How can a country run and get spending under control without a budget for over 4 years? We are in deep and need some real leadership. Obama has proven he is not that guy. You can talk the talk, but you need to walk the walk as well.
最近特别烦 发表评论于 2012-11-08 16:39:18
787DL 发表评论于 2012-11-08 16:25:54
Obamacare 就是在民主党控制国会时强行通过的,最具争议性的法案。

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