评论: 惨!加拿大女市长被毒黄蜂袭击 送院不治身亡(组图)

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linna118 发表评论于 2014-07-23 06:29:09
江若水 发表评论于 2014-07-23 05:50:43
苏轼表妹 发表评论于 2014-07-23 04:07:17
mking 发表评论于 2014-07-22 21:43:30
怎么可以瞎说 发表评论于 2014-07-22 21:28:06
Juzizhoutou 发表评论于 2014-07-22 21:15:23
mking: Yes. 100% true! Be honest, I never seen any honey bees in China where I had lived for more than 20 years. I did not know I could be loved by the honey bees in the US either until I 've moved to this city ( I was dreaming to be lived in this city after I came to the US. Thanks God! He let me dream became true!) years ago. There was a hole left there in my kitchen cabinet I did not know. I only noticed there was a hole appeared and did not know why( my neighbor left a note to me someday, said there is a bee nest. But I did not know where is it and by the time, I never seen any bees in any where. I said I don't care. Then they called the HOA and had it be removed from the outside, but damaged the inner wall and my cabinet.

I have corrected lots bodies of honey bees in the bottle. And I put it in the refrigerator. The bees just follow me when I run or walk on the streets, or even I drive!

So I always think I was a honey bee queen or, a honey bee keeper, according to my American clients ( I told to every one!) in my last life. I'm so proud of! And of course I always think I should apply for the World Records of the Guinness!

mking 发表评论于 2014-07-22 20:27:09
Juzizhoutou 发表评论于 2014-07-22 19:58:49
She was so pretty. Too bad and too sad!

I am so lucky. I am the only one who is honey bee's favor ( could be all bees, too, even the wasps. I guess). They never stung me, whenever, wherever I touch them, or they are on my shoulders and back or tummy. They just want to be with me, die in my home and work and the trunk of my car! Even they had built a home in the wall of my rear kitchen as soon as I moved to here! But my next door American neighbors call the association, had it be removed with out notification!
穷途迷津 发表评论于 2014-07-22 19:05:18
云之岚 发表评论于 2014-07-22 18:32:33
试一把 发表评论于 2014-07-22 17:56:07
飘过的云 发表评论于 2014-07-22 17:23:00
100岁的小孩 发表评论于 2014-07-22 17:12:30
请原谅我 发表评论于 2014-07-22 16:36:32
试一把 发表评论于 2014-07-22 16:26:17
fahai 发表评论于 2014-07-22 16:20:47
古埙1223 发表评论于 2014-07-22 16:02:32

现在我去后院一定会随手带上 wasp killer.
linna118 发表评论于 2014-07-22 15:02:38
wasps 有很多种。 被一种橘黄色偏红的咬过一次, 当时被叮时很痛, 比任何粗针头扎都痛, 然后整个大腿肿痛痒持续了3周。 当然每个人的反应会不一样。 我想如果我当时被叮超过10次就一定是没命了。

热情的阳光 发表评论于 2014-07-22 14:18:37
这种 wasp 太毒了, 养花的朋友要万分小心,

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