评论: 太平洋上空阴云难以飘散 中美须甩掉假朋友尴尬

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captin 发表评论于 2014-04-21 09:38:49

What have your masters invented in the recent years?
China has advanced weaponry, high tech manufacturing, high biological technologies, high tech submarines, space station, fastest computer, fastest railways, green technologies and much more.
China made its own anti carrier missile that can destroy any kind of carriers. China's drone and military airplanes are also in the same level. China has the most advanced submarines. US is unable to launch its missile through the continent to shoot down its own satellite in response to China's anti satellite ballistic missile since shooting through orbit reacts much slower due to magnet of the metals, space gravity, and many other reasons. By the way, have you heard that China has successfully tested its first hypersonic missile delivery vehicle capable of penetrating US missile defense system and delivering nuclear warheads with record breaking speeds, not to mention many other undisclosed advanced new weapons developed by China...

US is unable to launch its missile through the continent to shoot down its own satellite in response to China's anti satellite ballistic missile since shooting through orbit reacts much slower because of the magnet of the metals, space gravity, and many other reasons.
US does not have anti carrier missiles.
advanced submarines
wangx726 发表评论于 2014-04-21 08:15:58
实话实说呀 发表评论于 2014-04-21 07:31:01
woguoke 发表评论于 2014-04-21 07:24:39
GCD 老是攻击清朝腐败无能,其实它的现在还不如清朝,除了比清朝更加腐败,生存环境比清朝更加恶劣外,清朝那时的GDP已经世界第一,中国现号称GDP世界第二,其实是已经倒退了。
贾博士 发表评论于 2014-04-20 22:34:03
娇女 发表评论于 2014-04-20 20:54:31
fubin 发表评论于 2014-04-20 20:43:57
captin 发表评论于 2014-04-20 19:43:46
中国的实力是吹出来的,美国是真的。 中国人是二等的,美国人是一等的。中国人总是被打的,美国人总是打人的。
Militarily, US is not a superpower but a bully. A superpower can concur the whole world. US can't even invade Russia and China even though US wants it very badly. A bully always picks on weak ones like the middle eastern and African little countries and still failed miserably after wasting trillions of dollars, sacrificing thousands of lives of its own people, and bringing the country down to the tubes.
captin 发表评论于 2014-04-20 19:42:17
中国的实力是吹出来的,美国是真的。 中国人是二等的,美国人是一等的。中国人总是被打的,美国人总是打人
Which country is really 吹出来的 again? US debt is 73 percent of its whole GDP now, not to mention that Obama has invented the new ways of GDP calculation to increase the GDP number by adding Research and development (R&D) spending, art, music, film royalties, books and theater expenses, pension spending, and commissions, legal bills and expenditures on real estate transactions as "investment." Most recently, US added product designing that is manufactured in China, software programming, and even restaurants such as MacDonald and other restaurants in its manufacturing data to boost its GDP data.
captin 发表评论于 2014-04-20 19:37:39

I told you before and repeat it again! U.S. won't be there for Japan. If you don't trust me, we will see when the time comes.
woguoke 发表评论于 2014-04-20 19:27:02
roppongi 发表评论于 2014-04-20 19:02:04
中国的实力是吹出来的,美国是真的。 中国人是二等的,美国人是一等的。中国人总是被打的,美国人总是打人的。
烙印龙 发表评论于 2014-04-20 18:52:43
吹了半天, 有啥行动? 击沉中国海监啊, 倭兽。
woguoke 发表评论于 2014-04-20 17:28:31
是美国的盟友当然不一样了,比如日本若遭到攻击,美国有义务帮助日本防卫;非鲁宾是美国的盟友,如果它遭到军事攻击,美国会行动的。 这难道不够么?当然,是美国的盟友的好处不只这些了。
woguoke 发表评论于 2014-04-20 17:28:31
是美国的盟友当然不一样了,比如日本若遭到攻击,美国有义务帮助日本防卫;非鲁宾是美国的盟友,如果它遭到军事攻击,美国会行动的。 这难道不够么?当然,是美国的盟友的好处不只这些了。
文学怪客 发表评论于 2014-04-20 17:27:55
老戗 发表评论于 2014-04-20 17:12:38

captin 发表评论于 2014-04-20 15:42:40
Human rights my ass! There is no country in the world like China that allow Chinese people criticizing the government on Weibo/Internet and follow up with it very closely.?
Get your own human right straight before pointing fingers to other countries. All those so called 'democratic countries' have police brutality toward peaceful protesters by shooting and beating. You have Bush cheated twice on his election and no one does anything about it. You have over 5,000 Arab descents and many other political prisoners in secret jails or so called CMUs without trial. You have discrimination against minorities. You have a tightly government controlled media. You have Patriot Act, SIPA, PIPA, NDAA laws to allow the government to jail and kill citizens without trial. You have assassinations and millions of civilians killed by drones and the wars waged by the US. You have Guantanamo and many other secret prisoners where people are tortured and murdered without due process...
cymbalsman 发表评论于 2014-04-20 14:14:19
tinker2009 发表评论于 2014-04-20 13:28:01
主意不错。 但中美需要和平共处需要双方面努力,西方文化中的斗争的部分太强烈,需要学习东方文化中的和谐以和为贵的思想, 才有可能。美国需要东方的中庸思想, 做那些在自己能力范围之内的事。 至于有些国家有想搭中国经济的顺风车,托中国的福,又想暗地在中国后面捅刀子, 世上没有这样的道理,中国也不需要这样的“朋友”。
xz10620 发表评论于 2014-04-20 13:22:05
Chinawansui 发表评论于 2014-04-20 12:43:27
温哥华来信 发表评论于 2014-04-20 12:25:12
我在非洲 发表评论于 2014-04-20 11:53:42
烙印龙 发表评论于 2014-04-20 11:44:08
woguoke 发表评论于 2014-04-20 11:34:07
biaobiao 发表评论于 2014-04-20 11:31:28
likewater11 发表评论于 2014-04-20 11:17:55
Good vision!
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