评论: 美国打捞专家称马航MH370坠毁地点已确定(组图)

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sydneywil 发表评论于 2014-04-16 17:50:08
What 造假 are your referring to? Can you be specific? Show your reliable third party sources to prove it.
You are living a different world. If you want to find the sources, do a web search. Most of the Web sites are in China.
captin 发表评论于 2014-04-16 17:25:24
Human rights my ass! There is no country in the world like China that allow Chinese people criticizing the government on Weibo/Internet and follow up with it very closely.?
Get your own human right straight before pointing fingers to other countries. All those so called 'democratic countries' have police brutality toward peaceful protesters by shooting and beating. You have Bush cheated twice on his election and no one does anything about it. You have over 5,000 Arab descents and many other political prisoners in secret jails or so called CMUs without trial. You have discrimination against minorities. You have a tightly government controlled media. You have Patriot Act, SIPA, PIPA, NDAA laws to allow the government to jail and kill citizens without trial. You have assassinations and millions of civilians killed by drones and the wars waged by the US. You have Guantanamo and many other secret prisoners where people are tortured and murdered without due process...
captin 发表评论于 2014-04-16 17:19:08

What 造假 are your referring to? Can you be specific? Show your reliable third party sources to prove it.
占边 发表评论于 2014-04-16 16:52:06
SOS-ASS 发表评论于 2014-04-16 16:48:03
woguoke 发表评论于 2014-04-16 16:13:29
1232 发表评论于 2014-04-16 14:21:47
radiofranky 发表评论于 2014-04-16 14:17:25
月满西楼 发表评论于 2014-04-16 14:07:41
JACOBLITTLEGIRL 发表评论于 2014-04-16 12:33:42
shadowdream 发表评论于 2014-04-16 12:19:55
aofk3 发表评论于 2014-04-16 12:03:28
梦太d 发表评论于 2014-04-16 11:55:25
·八戒· 发表评论于 2014-04-16 11:49:36
文学怪客 发表评论于 2014-04-16 11:12:53
laifu888 发表评论于 2014-04-16 11:10:52
yellowfintuna2013 发表评论于 2014-04-16 11:02:28
楼下说的还真有些道理:要不是海巡01 号在电池失效之前先发现脉冲信号,还真不知道Ocean Shield 什么时候才能探到那4次信号呢! 可能根本就不会! 中国测到的那个信号给了澳方不少压力! 中国强大是假(虚胖而已),希望找到残骸是真。

至于独运轮, 他们只反共, 不反老百姓。这次还真没听他们说什么不好的话。
uniqueengine 发表评论于 2014-04-16 10:59:53
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