评论: 遇难者家属质疑如连珠炮 温家宝连称有理(录音)

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frog- 发表评论于 2011-07-30 17:19:01
真没意思,不会写中文起什么哄. 不来这里也罢! frog-***
workforwal 发表评论于 2011-07-30 16:23:05
Go to pick u tips workforwal***Why you guys are so mad at some simply facts I pointed out for you. Hope you guys picked your tips and not fight with each other for it.
Go to google how many people gun down each day in US and leave China along. Epublic of China is build by our fellow US citizen and first prime minster graduated from Columbia University. What they brought to China ? They lost half of Mongolia and 2 wars. You guys smarter than them ? Go back to China build another government ?
管平 发表评论于 2011-07-30 14:29:58
总理说得好,但总做不到,能力有问题 管平***
straight4472 发表评论于 2011-07-30 11:11:39
流氓专制 - 造就愚昧的民族,可悲,可叹。 straight4472***五毛小心,网吧毙命(河北青年报) - ***club.kdnet***/dispbbs.asp?page=1&boardid=1&id=7639535

workforwal 发表评论于 2011-07-30 09:37:12
32 people killed by gun workforwal***iamhereforfun---tell you one more fact you do not want people to know--everyday 32 people in US be gun down, Our president should go to send flowers to the victims? In fact nobody care. you care too much about China because you try to collect your tips over there--probably you are one pushier behind Chinese media.
workforwal 发表评论于 2011-07-30 09:26:07
you are not for fun workforwal***You are not here for fun, why you are so scared and so mad at my comments ? It simply prove that you are not there for fun, you just come here to earn your tips by attack others.

School shooting is not traffic accident, You just mad at I pointed out some basic fact people in the media like you do not like ordinary people to know.

you are too smart to be stupid, go to pick up your tips.just remember reading the small print next time you boarding on the train--if you go anywhere by train.
frog- 发表评论于 2011-07-30 08:01:57
建议研究制定及完善有关处理重大特大事故的法律法规 frog-***
straight4472 发表评论于 2011-07-30 07:59:47
腐败是根源 straight4472***要从中央高干们查起,可能吗?
iamhereforfun 发表评论于 2011-07-30 07:50:50
To :workforwal iamhereforfun***workforwal, I think you are the most stupid person and your comment is like an idiot.
This type accident is not just an insurance thing. Insurance pays what they ought to pay but the government shows what they care for their people. Especially in China, China has different system, their government directly controls the transportation system, how can you say they are not responsible ? You're really stupid.

In USA, even when there is some smaller accident like school shooting, the president also gives speech and lot of attention to it...

Some people like you know shit about media and government around the world , but like to pretends to have "different" views on things.. But unfortunately your comment is like from pig's haed and full of shit stupid.
tiangang 发表评论于 2011-07-30 05:22:58
看样子温总理也有点管不了铁道部 tiangang***总理管不了自己的下属部门,有点不对味儿。他自己怎么好也是没用。


laokafei333 发表评论于 2011-07-30 00:51:08
希望政府尽快落实,不要让百姓只相信个人,不相信政府 laokafei333***
aac 发表评论于 2011-07-30 00:32:02
看他说的话能不能落实 aac***能落实,证明中南海还管用,不能落实,中南海困局彰显,中国实际上已经进入土皇帝格局局面了,重要要用民意来弄的话,搞不就通通完蛋。

大佬88 发表评论于 2011-07-29 22:53:55
可爱的人民啊。 大佬88***遇难者家属真的是非常通情达理。温总理的回答也让这些遇难者家属得到些许安慰。


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