《New Concept English》
文章来源: 心远地自偏2006-06-09 10:01:49


这两天闲得没书看,于是把它从书架中抽了出来。一读之下倍觉亲切不说,还有很多共鸣。或许是因为书中的小文章大多都是英国人写的,在英国十年之后对这些多少现在看来有些旧体但非常隽永的文字能有更深的欣赏。摘一小段(Pieces of Mind)

A young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or to express the emotion that is rouses in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyong.   ...  That all great art has this power of suggesting a world beyong is undeniable. In some moods Nature shares it. There is no sky in June so blue that it does not point forward to a bluer, no sunset so beautiful that it does not waken the vision of a greater beauty, a vision which passes before it is fully glimpsed, and in passing leaves an indiefinable longing and regret. ...


这本书的扉页上有我手抄的半首词 “秋风清,秋月明,落叶聚还散,寒鸦栖复惊。相思相见知何日,此时此夜难为情”。 已经记不清是谁写的了,自己又是在怎样的一种心态下把它抄下来的。 或许于今天这些不重要了,因为此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然!