文章来源: JessAB2018-12-13 07:45:00

December 13, 2018

How can some people hate Trump's guts 

- by JessAB


To be clear, I am a Republican but don’t consider myself a fan of Trump.  


I am just puzzling what Trump has done or said to make the people like Maxine Waters type hate him so much even more than the enemies or the criminals who commit violence and massacres. Those people will do anything to try to get him impeached and even jailed just because Trump defeated them so badly and unexpectedly.  So what if Trump didn’t win the presidency, would there still be the ‘collusion’ investigation in the first place?   Right now without any hard evidence for collusion after almost 2 years’ investigation, they are so ridiculously and desperately leading to the campaign finance violation for paying to the mistress?  


So for those Trump haters, they aren’t anything close to what they typically like to portray themselves as empathetic, tolerant or kind hearted. No, they are not!  They just disguise that way at tax payers’ expenses for their own gains. Just ask those haters : do you want violent people to be integrated into your community, and can you accommodate those illegal aliens in your own residence?  I think they would say no because they are just a bunch of hypocrites filled with hatred.  But I do think in this world there are some truly loving and gentle souls out there, and they wouldn’t be hatred!


What are those haters’ profiles and what they have done to make them and the country better other than resistance?  Ask them!


Back to Trump.  He was a private citizen with flaws like everybody else, never a politician before, and certainly didn’t say things politically correct.  The notorious incident that he bragged about women during a private conversation with Billy Bush over a decade ago was surely contemptible.  Also shame on Billy Bush for disclosing a private conversation without consent.  But on the other hand, is it true that some people especially the gold diggers and professional call girls do try to find every opportunity to jump onto the rich men?  You bet!


Now he is the president, but he does not have the absolute power.  Don’t be outrageous for his hard-line stand on illegal immigration.  Trump and the Republicans want law and order. The current immigration system needs reformed in order to get good, talented and hard working people into the US.  But of course that will face lots of resistance for obvious reasons.


Just ask yourself, why would you want to come and stay in the US?  For what?  Imagining that one day the US demographic makeups will be like 51% Hispanic or 51% Black, or even 51% Asian, and the political system is no more like our current one but more like Mexico or China, do you honestly think that would be the same country you originally wanted to come for?   Some people even want the US to be full of people like their own race. In that case I wonder is it better just for them to move back where did they come from?   I would like the diversity meaning for a total inclusion of different ideas, thoughts and innovative approaches.


I feel the US is getting worse compared to two decades ago for various reasons, and has the tendency of slipping into the third world country if continues the way as it was 10 years ago.  Hope the new disruptor will transform the country for better.