有爱相伴的日子 20160110 画的瓷器
文章来源: 如花美眷-012016-01-11 09:54:20

I have a surprise for you. If you are not too busy.

  I like surprise! No, I'm not busy

Be there in 15-20 mins.


Made a quick stop. On my way now : )

  : )



收到我们画的瓷器了,他画了一个三角形的超人盘。他带来一些画画儿的工具,两瓶大瓶装的啤酒,一瓶红酒,还送我一张Tim Hortons的卡,不知道多少钱。

I have been exicted about painting, yoga... with you. But when I kiss you I forget everything. I just want to take your cloths off, to be your superman, make you come and come and come...


我们一起画画儿,配不出深棕色,又跑去买了颜色。我做了炒米饭,木耳肉, 还有剩的烤鸡腿。晚饭后,继续画画儿,完了我们又一起做瑜伽半小时,今天做的是中级水平,难度增加了不少。