招生英雄的20 -2020 奖学金
文章来源: 不爱热闹2015-05-23 17:52:15


招生英雄的20 -2020 奖学金

在过去的一年里招生英雄升学指导公司曾经无偿帮助了几位同学升入了象哈佛,伯克利这样的大学,反应良好,尤其是帮助了来自非洲的学生 CHUK”进入了伯克利大学。招生英雄公司的三位创始人认为现在他们休学创业,应该有能力无偿帮助到更多的学生实现自己的梦想, 因此他们推出20 FOR 2020 奖学金的项目。这个项目的申请截止日期是201581日。




3 2016年秋季参加大学申请







转自: http://www.admissionshero.com/the-admissions-hero-20-for-2020-scholarship-application-now-open/

Announcing the Admissions Hero 20 for 2020 Scholarship

In the past, we’ve worked with a few pro bono students, helping them gain acceptance to Harvard, UCBerkeley, and several other schools. This year, we want to help more students like these—talented, driven, and ambitious individuals with good hearts who, due to one circumstance or another, might not have access to expert admissions counseling. As such, we are formally announcing the Admissions Hero 20 for 2020 Scholarship, accepting applications now until August 1st, 2015.


Qualified applicants will exhibit the following traits:

 Demonstrate a strong desire to succeed

   Possess inspiring tenacity in the face of hardship

    Apply to attend college in the Fall of 2016


20 selected individuals will be notified of their acceptance shortly after the August 1st deadline.

3 winners will receive FREE comprehensive Admissions Hero service packages, which include unlimited hours of standardized test tutoring, unlimited hours of essay editing, and unlimited hours of extracurricular consulting with a personal Ivy League Plus mentor.

7 winners will receive FREE comprehensive Admissions Hero essay editing and application management services for three (3) of their top school choices.

10 winners will receive FREE comprehensive Admissions Hero assistance for the Common App.


Apply here before the August 1st, 2015 deadline. Be sure to share this information with anyone you think might deserve it!